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Posted: 08/10/2005 - 0:59
by Matrix
"BIT" easy that one ;) :lol:

Posted: 09/10/2005 - 10:06
by dan gillgrass
Youre so full of shit youre gonna float away

Posted: 10/10/2005 - 20:45
by Ronin
Hmmmm, I have no idea. :confusion:
I associate shit with "Dogma", but I think this quote is from another movie.

Some clues, please. :help:

Posted: 11/10/2005 - 1:00
by Matrix
Sounds like Hudson Hawk to me.... something Bruce Willis might say.... I can just see him doing it in my head. Possibly then one of the Die Hard movies. dunno... hmmm

Ok, Ill plump for Die Hard when he's talking to Hanz.

Posted: 13/10/2005 - 18:26
by dan gillgrass
Nah, yer both wrong

Posted: 13/10/2005 - 19:41
by Ronin
Drop a hint, please! :cornholio:

Posted: 13/10/2005 - 20:12
by dan gillgrass
Has to do with Vietnam....

Posted: 14/10/2005 - 2:28
by Matrix
apocalypse now ?

Posted: 14/10/2005 - 9:43
by Thunderer
Full Metal Jacket? (wild guess)

Posted: 15/10/2005 - 5:27
by Maindrian

Actually, I'm just leaping in on the outside chance with that guess. I'm pretty sure that it's Full Metal Jacket, but Thunderer got there first. Bah, worth a try.


Posted: 15/10/2005 - 9:24
by dan gillgrass close yet SO far!

Posted: 15/10/2005 - 9:39
by Ronin
OK, another wild guess: Born on the Fourth of July?

Posted: 15/10/2005 - 11:10
by Matrix
Good moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeening vietnam ?

Posted: 16/10/2005 - 0:33
by dan gillgrass
Matrix wrote:Good moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeening vietnam ?
I thought about posting a quote from that then I thought it would be TOO obvious...

Posted: 16/10/2005 - 1:31
by Maindrian
The only other 'Nam movie I can think of is Deer Hunter, but I don't recall that line. To be honest, I don't recall much of the film either.

The Green Berets? :lol: