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Re: Ziphoid is new Remix64 admin

Posted: 30/06/2009 - 21:43
by Ziphoid
Andreas wrote:And before I go, the new Remix64 menu is killer! Good work LMan/Ziphoid whoever made it. :)
This is all thanx to the excellent eye of LMan. He da man! :)

Re: Ziphoid is new Remix64 admin

Posted: 30/06/2009 - 22:03
by Amok
(name removed) wrote: Oh if I didn't have enough better things to do. All mouth and no should have come to Leipzig, if you're interested for such kind of discussions. Why you don't in cologne this time?

Symphonic Fantasies with free Street Fighter 4 encore (with some of my best friends). It's your chance! ;)

How low can you go, eh? What the heck is wrong with you again? Im really sorry for the really nice people in YOUR community but you are an idiot. No doubt anymore.

Attentionwhore is the right word for you. You dont mind what price to pay to get any attention. And if its that negative, you dont care. Im really sorry for you. You had the chance to create a great german retro-community. Would be nice for people like me with my broken english but you keep on discredit yourself with complete nonsense.

And now you can start to downvote all my remixes again with your fake accounts. I dont give a fuck... Have fun...

Re: Ziphoid is new Remix64 admin

Posted: 30/06/2009 - 22:24
by Amok
(name removed) wrote:Uh??? What's this shit for? I didn't vote any track from you and I don't change any given vote. Once again one of these speculations?
We both know better... :hysterical:

Re: Ziphoid is new Remix64 admin

Posted: 30/06/2009 - 23:23
by Analog-X64
Ziphoid wrote:
Andreas wrote:And before I go, the new Remix64 menu is killer! Good work LMan/Ziphoid whoever made it. :)
This is all thanx to the excellent eye of LMan. He da man! :)
Also I like the new Fav.ico :)

Re: Ziphoid is new Remix64 admin

Posted: 30/06/2009 - 23:24
by Ziphoid
*hmmm* Sadly, it has come to the point where this thread has completely taken a wrong turn. It's not quite what I wanted to have as a 'congrats-thread' and probably not the way LMan meant it to be either, so now we've reached the point of thread locking.

Thank you for all the warm welcomes to this new position even though it won't really mean that big of a difference. As I said earlier - there WILL be changes and additions to the site in the future, but for those I will not stand alone. I have a trusted team of people helping out with LMan being one of them, which will ensure that it'll be something good.

We sure have a good thing going on with the Commodore remixing community and I have the fullest confidence that we can make it live, grow and prosper by just keeping at it like we do. There's no use in tossing statements back and forth against each others, no matter how true or false they may be. That's to no gain for anyone.

If anyone has any problems with me, my authority, our staff or anything else, feel free to contact us and tell us about that. We'll listen and will respond if the criticism is constructive.

So, to conclude this, you can expect the same things from this site and community as you've gotten for the last 8 years, but you will get it spiced up with some changes as things go along. That's a promise.

Now - behave and play nice, kids.

Re: Ziphoid is new Remix64 admin

Posted: 01/07/2009 - 5:11
by LMan
Hi all,

I'd like to add my thank-yous to all the good comments - it's great to see that people appreciate what we do. :worship: