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Amiga remixes - reviews

Posted: 10/03/2004 - 15:03
by Rafael Dyll
Here's a poll that I've been dying to do for some time now...

Posted: 10/03/2004 - 15:23
by tas
somehow you knew my vote anyhows, you clever thing rafael ;)

Posted: 10/03/2004 - 15:37
by C64GLeN
writting ai'nt me strang pint.

Posted: 10/03/2004 - 15:38
by tas
btw rafael... you forgot the "I just don't have time, but i write 100's of posts on remix64 when really i don't have the time means i can't be arsed" ;)

Posted: 10/03/2004 - 15:40
by tas
did someone just offer us a Strong pint?

ok, glen if you insist ;)

Posted: 10/03/2004 - 15:49
by Infamous
i did a review of speedball 2, because i absolutely loved the game with a passion so i can click on the special button too!

i agree though.. not enough amiga remix reviews.. or info's...
when i have the time ill write my life story on one of them for an "interesting read" im sure.

Posted: 10/03/2004 - 16:00
by Rafael Dyll
There's a mistake in the result above. Hint hint. :idea:

Posted: 10/03/2004 - 17:43
by Chris Abbott
> Amiga remixes are crap, who cares?
How about "not into the Amiga remix scene"?


Posted: 10/03/2004 - 17:54
by Rafael Dyll
Chris Abbott wrote:> Amiga remixes are crap, who cares?
How about "not into the Amiga remix scene"?

About the same thing I think Chris. It's all with a sprinkle of sarcasm of course. :wink:

Posted: 11/03/2004 - 11:30
by Rafael Dyll
Ok, the results so far are obvious:

2 Guys can't read, 1 guy doesn't know where the reviews are and 3 have actually written a review. If that's the basic statement from the scene (which I expected), I'd suggest that Markus remove the reviews and info feature from the site (possibly including the actual voting, with an average of about 10 votes for each song, it's pretty poor anyway) to save himself the stress and work of handling and maintaining the databases.

This is my honest opinion, there's no point in expecting votes, reviews, opinions and similar if no one is interested in it. The quesiton is - and I may need to move this thread to Amiga Remix Site improvements - is this whole Amiga idea maybe in need of a seperate site? Maybe the emphasis on "Remix64" is the wrong approach here - for Amiga sounds at least. I think that maybe the Amiga music fan community would appreciate - and indeed actually find in the fist place - a seperate site. The core base of users on this site here are indeed C64 fans and will always be. I think the history of the Amiga side of this site has proven that.

Posted: 11/03/2004 - 11:37
by Chris Abbott
> About the same thing I think Chris. It's all with a sprinkle of sarcasm
> of course
Not really: I couldn't bring myself to say Amiga remixes were crap, since they're not... well, not all of them.

And instead of moving AmigaRemix away, perhaps a publicity drive is in order. Do the main websites know about it?


Posted: 13/03/2004 - 0:17
by SelectaNovel
I think it's a bit difficult at the moment to navigate through the sites and to use all the features easily. Take a look at (I don't wanna say thereby that is the best example for a well run site, not to mention their extreme access problems recently), there you just log in automatically and have all your tools to review and comment centralised, so you just have to click on it.
When I post on this board and when I vote, I need TWO passwords. I am registered at but at remix64 I'm only a low level member as yet, so I have to register again in order to write info about my own songs on amigaremix that are actually hosted on remix64...!?!?
On the amigaremix site then again, there is no button for the have to click through the smileys and seek them. I thought I could just use remix64 as the home page, but I couldn't figure out yet how to sort the amigasongs by date*...blib blab blub...

Alright, I may be silly sometimes, and everything is truely working if you really want BUT at the moment I can't get the same easy "just dropping a couple of lines"-feeling that I got at vgmix.

In the long run I think amigaremix can only exist as an equal partner of remix64, and I mean those two sites have to become merged completely.
*Edit: Don't tell me I just found out how to do that...

Posted: 15/03/2004 - 7:12
by LMan
You got a point there. Remember though, that the sites all have a history of their own, and they're all maintained by different people. There's no way of unifying the sites without robbing one site or another of it's identity.

I will think of something though, to make the interfaces more seamless. Merging the user/password database of this messageboard with Remix64's user database might be a good start, but that would introduce the following problems:

- The messageboard runs on a different server than Remix64. Thus I'd have to create a way of synching passwords (I could do that, though)

- Remix64 user names only support lower case chars, and no special chars at all. Unlike the msgboard's handles. The only solution would be to have the messageboard use Remix64's user names.

- It would be difficult to merge R64's personal infos (Real name etc.) with the messageboard's (Avatar, ICQ# etc...), making the process even more confusing?

- phpBB Messageboard System is a quasi-standard on the internet. The altered sign-up process would alienate phpBB users. Updates would be very difficult, since I'd have to do the alterations to the newer versions all over (hard enough already, though ;) ).

You see it's not as easy as it might seem. In any case, synching R64 users with the board users would require me to flush all existing user data at the messageboard. You'd have to have a Remix64 account to post.

Please, share your thoughts everyone.

- Markus :)

Posted: 15/03/2004 - 16:45
by Paul Vanukoff
This kind of reminds me my current project at work. We have several different databases (sales, support, accounting, etc), each with account information. The problem was, each database has it's own list of accounts with no regard to the others. The desired outcome was to somehow link all the systems together. I created a commonly accessible database with a single cross-reference table, which was designed to cross-reference any given account with all the others, in a 1:1 relationship, by each ID. Like this:

SalesAccountID : SupportAccountID : AccountingAccountID : etc

The issue at hand has another layer, since authentication is involved, but would it help to have some sort of cross-reference table, accessible by all sites?

Posted: 15/03/2004 - 17:26
by SelectaNovel
I have to confess I understand hardly anything about programming and stuff, but aside from that technical issue, I think the major problem for in particular at the moment is that the community is far too small and almost nobody knows about the site.
When I mention at or wherever amigausers appear, they're all happy about the tip. I think we have to do some more "advertising" for the page. Votes and reviews don't work reasonable unless there is not a base that uses those features regularly.