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Donations still needed for THIS Back in Time Live

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 20:31
by Chris Abbott
Just as an aside, if anyone really feels like helping me out, I still have no idea how I'm going to pay the incoming bills for THIS Back in Time Live, and I owe two of the co-organising team a fair amount of money (without their help basically the money just wouldn't have been there to pay people). So any substantial donations would be welcome. I really am still up sh*t creek on this. October is a REALLY difficult month. Kenz still has his Paypal button up and running, and we've still got to get the ringtone thing up and running (which is my main hope at the moment for getting through this dangerous patch).

I remember when I used to maintain the illusion of professionalism. Oh well... those days are truly gone aren't they? :)

Also, does anyone who was in the dorm accommodation still have to pay the money for that? I hope no one paid Astor Museum inn!!


Re: Donations still needed for THIS Back in Time Live

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 21:21
by fnordpojk
Er, why are PMs disabled? I'll just have to reply in-post then. :)
Chris Abbott wrote:I remember when I used to maintain the illusion of professionalism. Oh well... those days are truly gone aren't they? :)
On the contrary, I felt this was very much a professionally arranged event, at least from my point of view. (Well, except for the Tiger Tiger thing, but hey, that's sort of out of your control..)
Chris Abbott wrote:Also, does anyone who was in the dorm accommodation still have to pay the money for that? I hope no one paid Astor Museum inn!!
I owe you for the night I crashed at Astor's (thanks a lot for that, btw), I'll Paypal you some €.

Where's the link?

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:06
by Hacky
I can't find the link to your PayPal donate thingy, is it the same one as on the site? As that is the only one I can find.

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:09
by Chris Abbott
It would go through kenz's donation thingy, which is

Paypal are twats, so I haven't got an account any more :(

Or you could contribute at

Here's hoping the ringtones also help out. There's quite a lot riding on that in survival terms, at least in the short -> medium term.


Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:15
by renegade_si

how much do you get from the sale of CDs? Reason I ask is that on of course you can get the rest of the CDs that ytou didn't get last night folks and this way you can help BIT and also get a CD in the process...?

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:17
by Chris Abbott
Most people have got most CDs, so that's the odd fiver here or there. It would be nice if there was a sudden boost in CD orders from the site. That would definitely help a great deal.


Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:18
by Chris Abbott
Personally I think more people should have bought Crystal Dreamscapes and Karma64! :)

And anyone who hasn't got BIT 3 should seriously consider their position...!!

Also, Sidologie is unmissable...

Hell, they're all good.


Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:27
by renegade_si
ok well I for one bizarrely dont have karma 64 and sidologie and crystal dreamscapes but have everything else. Therefore I will order them all forthwith. That then completes ALL of the available CDs on the website. I hope the original BIT3 cds with CDrom are different to the new versions (for ebay pruposes in 5 years time;) )


Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:27
by Hacky
Chris Abbott wrote:It would go through kenz's donation thingy, which is
Just to clarify before I pay the wrong person, ie some complete happy stranger, do you mean Note the @
ie using PayPal's 'pay anyone with an email address' service?

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:30
by Chris Abbott
No... the AT was the @ sign

I'll have to write it here and Kenz will have to forgive me for the spam possibilities (Sorry Kenz!!)


Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:30
by renegade_si
visa roster CD - where?

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:33
by Chris Abbott
Not commercially available... yet, at least. Maybe it will be available from Visa Roster's own site? I'd love to stock it tho'.


Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:34
by fnordpojk
renegade_si wrote:visa roster CD - where?
Pex said it would be up for sale somewhere sometime really soon. :)

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:47
by Hacky
Chris Abbott wrote:No... the AT was the @ sign
Oh sh1t sorry! D'oh! Delete it delete it! I got it now, me dumb, me tired, me stupid.

Making the payment now...done, just sent him £100 so make sure he gets that to you.

When u told me Martin couldn't use my donation for his trip as he was tied down with work commitments, I spent it on my rent instead, so the good news is my gf is having sex with me again.<G> But I think I can swing a little for your debts, I hope it helps as it's not much. And thanx again for putting on the gig! Was fab, I just about made it but had to leave early, but I'm on a mission now to get my dirty hands on that Slay bootleg of it.

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 23:03
by Kenz
Thanx for that Hacky - now to spend it on cakes and sweets!

Oh, er, I mean I'll give it to Chris of course. ;)
