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Custom Cartoons

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 18:47
by Matrix
Just getting a feel for an interest level here, youve all seen the Ben and MArk cartoons by now - my question is, would you like one doing, either as an avatar, or to put on the wall at home... How much would you be willing to pay, would you want several sizes or just one for a specific use ?

Basicly, we take whatever pic you send in with your payment, the artist line art's it and i scan that at super duper high res, colour it in and bob's yer uncle.... Custom t-shirt with "I survived Bitlive" or whatever on it - use it here as an avatar, we can make you a slogan banner - whatever ya like...

Professional commissions as well as general public orders would be available .... maybe youd like your pic stood next to say Mark's pic, or Bens, or inbetween .. whatever ..... What say you all :)

50% profits from each sale will goto the Chris Abbott benevolent fund for the highly stressed :)

More Examples here:

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 19:40
by Hacky
COOL PICS! I like I like!

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 19:50
by Matrix
Thx :)

FYI, ICQ is doing a similar service, for about £8 GBP, but you only get the avatar... for use in (amazingly) ICQ.

Ive just commisioned one for myself, ill colour it in and change my avatar when done :D

The reason 50% goes to chris, is because the line artist isnt connected to the C64 scene and will want payment.... ill donate my half back to Chris towards covering his costs and adding to the possibility of another BIT LIve.

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 20:08
by Chris Abbott
Matrix da man! I really appreciate all your thoughts: keep em coming, even as I unfortunately demolish them with the sheer force of my realistic pessimism. Or something. Need coffee...

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 20:23
by Matrix
Chris m8 - True, i couldnt make it to this BITLive ... but ill be DAMNED if im gonna let it be my last opportunity too...

Heres some other smaller ideas:

KWED ... 10p per track download, with the weight on your bandwidth useage you can provide a lot of revenue for a future BITLive

Mark, Ben, SIR and other esteemed Celebs could sign tehse cartoons and sell em through the Boz Shop or on Ebay....

Musicians, each year, do an auction for ppls favorite track.... see how high they go to hear PPOT's OUTRUN against say "Tiger Helli" - take it a stage further.... put up a poll..... 10p per vote in it for the tracks to play NEXT year with the users getting to vote as many times as they like..... that way not only do you generate a SHITLOAD of cash, you also guarentee a top balls "What the listeners want" Playlist !!

Ok, no i need caffine.... ill keep thinking.....

If anyone cares to donate to the "Matrix's brain overclock charity" please feel free - umm umm umm umm


What of Retrovision adopts a similar policy - Double the income....

Umm umm umm umm RUN STOP / Tape Load Error / Quit without Saving / No No UNDO UNDO / ** System Halt, Blue Face of Death Error - Press Any Limb To Reboot Brain **

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 20:32
by SIR'86
I'd be interested in a cartoon, as I could use it to promote my site.

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 20:34
by Chris Abbott
All these ideas might work if translated into the mobile arena, but unless you tightly ringfence the money, it just sort of goes into the pot.


Posted: 14/09/2004 - 20:39
by Matrix
Ok SIR, nice one... take a look at the original post, theres some key questions like, how much to pay etc.... ill negociate with the artist for a set cost based on what ppl feel comfy with. I know she's up for it, she's said so, but talk sensible amounts for custom work and keep in mind that half goes to chris - so if u suggest £2 its not gonna go far ;) lol

As chris says too (have a read of the mobile forum), We (the artist and I) will be producing C64 related wallpapers (some will include cartoons) for the phones... Before i can start that though i need layouts, screen colours and resolutions per phone supported.

SIR, i cant see there being a problem with use on your site, and it wouldnt be a prerequisite, but it would be kinda cool and help out of you link to her site too as a credit or sumthin. Mark (Madfiddler ) Knight has also expressed an interest in that use, which is now work in progress.

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 20:43
by jgb
Paid subscriptions to kwed, with faster downloads and a higher limit on tunes/hour/day? Hmm... that could be something for kwed... or for sending extra cash to Chris?

Paid subscriptions to Slay Radio, better sound quality, more cash for Chris poor wallet?

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 20:50
by Matrix
Ok, some new avatars are here 4 me instead of the fuzzywuzzy, which ya like best ? The first is a really old one i had done, the one in the tank is newer in bighead mode, cept i didnt colour it. Itll do till the new NEW one comes in :)


Posted: 14/09/2004 - 20:52
by Chris Abbott
The problem there is that as soon as the nature of the hosting of RKO changes, then the nature of the relationship between RKO and its donor changes. Plus as soon as you charge for delivering a product (premium access to RKO), the nature of the relationship to the audience changes: namely, they feel they own you. Suddenly outages become a big thing, for instance. I don't think Jan would want that level of responsibility, and I wouldn't wish it on him :)

Maybe a sort of itunes for RKO... but then you've got the next problem of getting permission from the remixers for "commercial" exploitation of their work. After all, some of them may not like me that much ;-) And if a paid mirror of RKO run by me is set up, then you're suddenly looking at a risk: the fixed cost of webspace and the cost of bandwidth that has to be made up by an unknown number of paying clients. The potential for loss is already there.

I like that the ideas keep coming, and I hope no one gets upset at my pessimistic outlook: it's amazing how many good ideas can be spiked by legal issues or human nature :)

The mobile content area is the one that seems to hold the most promise, but I also need money from that to actually live on and repay my personal debts as well as funding anything as grand as a BIT Live.

I think in general, a donation should be just that: a donation. It may be harder, but at least then people know where the money is going and what it's for. And I think any such fund should be run by someone else explicitly for BIT Live, and not for me. Then even if something happens to me, someone else would pick up the baton. After all, what if I took £5000 in donations and went bankrupt? There would be some seriously hacked off donators, I'm telling you :)


Posted: 14/09/2004 - 20:55
by Matrix
Sry Chris - trying my best :(

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 21:05
by Slaygon
jgb wrote:Paid subscriptions to Slay Radio, better sound quality, more cash for Chris poor wallet?
Mmmm... That would be nice, since I do have some software that needs to be payed for (some $200 or so worth of it), that currently is just waiting for funding. =)
I recently bought new hardware for the server park for about £2000 aswell (

Me and the rest of the SLAY Radio staff do it for free, and we enjoy doing it. That doesn't mean it's all without putting down cash to actually make it happen. We had some trouble getting the BIT Live event on air, which meant that Skitz went out and bought an external USB soundcard, putting him back about £90.

Oh, darn... And now I go posting stuff that I really hate (seemingly playing the guilt trip card), but fact of the matter is that I have been running (since '96) and SLAY Radio (since '99 or so) without pay, or expecting any for that matter. People do appreciate it, and sometimes it shows in the form of the occational donation, which is highly appreciated!

All of this is still no where near the financial setback that Chris is experiencing currently due to him arranging BIT Live, so me and fnord are thinking of ways we could help him that actually matters.

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 21:06
by Chris Abbott
> Sry Chris - trying my best

Don't frown, I'm appreciating your input, and enthusiasm!! It's just that real life suxx in ways not obvious unless you've been in business for a while...

The thing you've set up with the Avatars is much appreciated!


Posted: 14/09/2004 - 21:56
by tas
I'm always thinking of ideas for helping chris out...

This year we tried selling tickets on the MbD site, where all profits went to Chris, however that failed. :-/

MbD is about to go through a massive redevelopment over the next 6 months which includes a totally new website, maybe with the launch of that, then maybe we could try it again. Or the many new features MbD will have might also be of some use.

Will keep thinking!