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Knight Games II

Posted: 16/02/2003 - 20:45
by hoomish
I think this is a very underated tune that would work well as an orchestral mix (I like orchestral). Actually, it's quite a 'bouncy' tune, so it would also work well with other remix styles.

Posted: 16/02/2003 - 20:51
by merman
Never played Knight Games 2, I felt the original was AWFUL, particularly loading the events separately.
English Software never quite made it to the top, did they?

Posted: 16/02/2003 - 20:53
by hoomish
No, they certainly didn't. Knight Games II is dreadful too, but the music is great! Check out the the SID: Beben_Wally\Knight_Games_II.sid

RE Knight Games 2

Posted: 17/02/2003 - 10:59
by merman
Definitely orchestral, also medieval (never know how to spell that word properly)..

First impression on hearing the SID - if I didn't know it was Wally Beben, I could have guessed it was him. Not quite Whittaker, not quite Galway, somewhere in between.

Interesting that Stadium64 classifies Knight Games, but not the sequel. Is that because of the sci-fi theme?

Posted: 17/02/2003 - 12:30
by hoomish
Could be, I suppose. One of my primary school friends used to have the game and actually LOVED it (this is way back in the mid 80s) - he was always trying to get me to play it with him and all I wanted to do was listen to the music! He thought I was very odd sometimes...

Posted: 17/02/2003 - 18:02
by merman
You mean odd, as in "wearing a Commodore t-shirt and going to a nightclub for a night of 64 remixes" sort of odd, don't you?

I used to record 64 music on to tape to listen to.

Then I started writing my own

Now it's CD's with posh labels

Maybe that's why I'm single..

Posted: 17/02/2003 - 18:13
by hoomish

I'm not single, but my girlfriend doesn't really like the whole old-videogame-remix thing... well, except BIT3, she kinda likes that.

Actually, she's in NZ and Oz 'til June with her best friend, so I've been listening to more remixes than usual :)

Posted: 04/12/2003 - 13:38
by hoomish
I'm trying to revive this one too :wink:

Posted: 04/12/2003 - 14:40
by Chris Abbott
> well, except BIT3, she kinda likes that.

Buy her Crystal Dreamscapes. It's a guaranteed babe magnet :)


Posted: 08/02/2004 - 16:19
by hoomish
Actually, I downloaded the 64k Crystal Dreamscapes that you put up some time ago, but neither of us were very keen I'm afraid :( JUst not really into New Age, I guess...

COme on then, Knight Games II anyone? :)