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Thrust.. why did i do it like this!

Posted: 04/12/2004 - 1:09
by Infamous
:P Well i dared to be different heh.. I have to admit the reception it got is actually better than I expected.. i expected 2 tons worth of googly faces (theres still time for it though).. from those people that cant stand their sid's being placed on the surgery table and then attacked with a buzz saw.

I did this remix this way simply because of the amount of posts and threads about the lack of originality in remixes, how everything sounds the same.. so as i said up there.. i dared to be different. some of you like it some of you dont and that's just the way it is... no skin off my nose as most ppl know me no doubt already know.. little infy doesnt give a flying fig if ppl like it or not, i do it for my own personal pleasure.

I'd like to quickly thank everyone that rated it.. and gave the one liner comments, interesting reading and im always glad of the feedback
except neil.. will you shut up about the quality issues!!! i know!! lol. :P

To answer a few questions posed there. the frequency dissapeared when the bassline bottomed out and my sub speaker hummed at me and attempted to break the windows.. i kinda fell in love with it... i guess i need to get some decent tweeters so i can really fiddle with mid/hi range sounds.. im good with bass, its the rest that eludes me ^^.. a lesson learnt though and i'm already putting it into practise.

where did it dissapear too?.. parts of it ended up in the bin, i did actually have alot more of thrust in the original version that i did (near enough 1:1) but it just didnt sound right to me and when i had my epithany the scalpel came out and most of it ended up on the floor.

have i ever touched thrust before?.. nope.. ive only ever done feud twice.. nothing else have i repeated.. maybe you are thinking about my terra cresta remix waz. but i can assure everyone ive never fiddled about with my thrust.. fnar fnar... ahem.

well thats that.. though on a final note what really has suprised me is over at vgm.. where it is more console orientated thrust is in tier 2.. here if it had the tier system it'd be around tier 4.. makes me proud to realise just how deep the guys over there have let me in :) .. next stop ocr lol.

all that remains is to thank everyone for downloading it and thank those that will download it in the future too.. big hello's to everyone reading this.. any comments about the tune still greatfully recieved even if its flamier than a stick on fire being waved at a fire fly thats on fire.

cheers. inf.

Posted: 04/12/2004 - 4:15
by tas
did i mention quality issues by the way? ;)

Posted: 04/12/2004 - 17:13
by Matrix
So where is it ? no linky in the post.

Posted: 04/12/2004 - 17:51
by jgb

Posted: 05/12/2004 - 1:44
by Matrix
.. never use it ... but thx...

Re: Thrust.. why did i do it like this!

Posted: 05/12/2004 - 19:15
by Waz
Infamous wrote:have i ever touched thrust before?.. nope.. ive only ever done feud twice.. nothing else have i repeated.. maybe you are thinking about my terra cresta remix waz.
Maybe you'd previously uplaoded it to RKO? Note Skitz's comment.

The reason why it doesn't work for me is that as good as the Chemical brothers and Fatboy Slim type beats in there are, the original SID vibe is somewhat lost within all the big beats. The idea is a nice one, and I can understand people liking it, fair enough, but without the feel of the original it could have argubaly been a dance mix of any tune, not just a C64 one.

However, maybe you could tweak it, bring the SID vibe a bit forward in there, also maybe add some effects that would go with the Thrust tune in a good way. Maybe also use the Thrust bass in conjunction with the big beats? Now that'd help enormously.

Anyway, there are plenty of C64 tunes that would suit the big beat style more than Thrust - maybe it's time to check out AMJ's tune from Unsound Minds (tune 1)?