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ITV's Tourette's Camp

Posted: 13/08/2005 - 14:12
by Makke
I'm not sure whether to get a recordable DVD-player or throw my TV in the lake, because I don't know if this is utterly funny or just another display of the sadness TV-entertainment has sunk to.
ITV1 are to screen a hard hitting documentary aimed at destroying the myths surrounding Tourette's Syndrome.

Teenage Tourette's Camp will tell the story of five British teens who have the condition which causes sudden outbursts including random noises, swearing and spitting.

The teenagers will be filmed as they spend a week at a special summer camp in the US created so sufferers can spend time with other young people like themselves.

The documentary will follow the five teenagers as they explore their condition giving viewers a unique insight into how Tourette's affects their daily lives, and why it is often misunderstood.

The programme will be made for ITV by Shine Productions.

Executive Producer Jon Riley said: "It will be an amazing experience for the British kids. Being at the camp removes the continual stress they feel having to appear 'normal'.

"By being surrounded by other people with the same syndrome they can relax, accept and like themselves for who they are and even laugh at how Tourette's effects their lives."

Posted: 13/08/2005 - 15:45
by Max Levin
HAHAHA! :lol: Fuckin morons!

Posted: 13/08/2005 - 15:50
by dan gillgrass
Shine Productions? shouldnt that be Special or Spanner Productions ?

Posted: 13/08/2005 - 19:16
by Dumper
I've seen a couple of documentaries on this illness and it really does mess up these peoples lives. It seems quite funny at first when they start spurting out swear words from nowhere or spitting in their friends food. But it pretty much makes it impossible for them to get a job or live a relatively normal life. As long as the programme is handled sensibly it might not be as crap as it sounds.

Posted: 13/08/2005 - 20:58
by tas
I was thinkiing the same Dumper, it could be quite interesting if its done in a responsable way..

As many know my daughter suffers from "Aspergers Syndrome" and although this is something totally different i will follow this with interest! Knowing ITV though they'll tackle the subject with good taste... hopefully!

Posted: 13/08/2005 - 21:39
by Kenz
Oh dear, this REALLY is scraping the bottom of the barrel ... :shock:

... But by golly I'll be watching it!! :lol:


Posted: 13/08/2005 - 21:52
by trace
It's obviously not enough with old peoples running around and make fools out of them self like Big brother and other shitty "real life" crap...

Now they have to do this all over but with KIDS, how low can television go? Digging into theire own crap looking for idéas... :shock:

Posted: 13/08/2005 - 21:55
by Chris Abbott
I dunno: if the end result is fair and educational then it might provide some valuable insights into a much misunderstood problem. Of course, it might be exploitative tat.


Posted: 14/08/2005 - 11:20
by Vosla
Can't think of this being positive in any way... It MAY give sensible people an insight on that condition... but most people will just have a laugh at the kids cost, i fear... :?

Posted: 14/08/2005 - 18:09
by Maindrian
Come on, this is ITV we're on about. What are the odds of it not being voyeuristic trash? Slim at best.

Celebrity love island anyone? No?