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Just one thing

Posted: 18/05/2006 - 20:22
by xo

Posted: 18/05/2006 - 20:55
by Makke
...of Eurovision?

Posted: 18/05/2006 - 20:56
by xo
Yeah, a bit of a joke song. :D

Posted: 18/05/2006 - 20:58
by Makke
Heh, it looked like a bunch of drunk executives. ;)

Just as a note:
I didn't actually watch the Eurovision qualifying rounds, but my girlfriend called me to check that performance out. ;)

Posted: 18/05/2006 - 22:15
by xo
They qualified, along with Lordi. Thought it was a pretty entertaining show, with some comic relief. :)

Posted: 19/05/2006 - 14:54
by merman
Now all we need is for Lordi to sacrifice Daz Sampson in a Satanic ritual, and Eurovision will be worth watching...

Posted: 20/05/2006 - 20:15
by Armand
Our song is pretty bad, i'm looking forward to hearing Iceland's goth song! :twisted:

Posted: 20/05/2006 - 21:24
by xo
I know Iceland's was meant as a joke. Unfortunately it s... :shock: :lol:

Posted: 20/05/2006 - 22:15
by Rondo

Honestly, I thought I'd never see the day. They must be looking for extra blankets and making hot chocolate in hell right now. This was the first time in oh so many years that I watched the damn contest, but I sure am glad I did. I giggled like a madman throughout the vote counting.

Go ahead, Swedes, win the fucking hockey championship. You've got nothing on us. ;)

Posted: 20/05/2006 - 23:40
by merman
\m/ Rock on, Finland! \m/

Posted: 21/05/2006 - 8:27
by dan gillgrass
Here is the video, thanks to Ann for sending it over

Posted: 21/05/2006 - 18:14
by Jan Lund Thomsen
And if you want a 192 kbps MP3 of the tune - or if you're just interested in reading about one of major record companies using w4R3z'ed copies of music to promote one of their bands, read on: ... source.txt