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Any tennis fans here?

Posted: 30/04/2003 - 0:34
by bluefugue
I notice there are a lot of Swedes on this board, and since Sweden is a great tennis nation (Bjorn Borg, Mats Wilander, Stefan Edberg), I can't help wondering whether anyone here follows the sport. Of course, you don't have to be a Swede to be a tennis fan. But it probably helps. :)

I'm taking lessons down here in Los Angeles and my coach is (you guessed it) Swedish. Damn tough sport, but then I never was a natural athlete...

Posted: 30/04/2003 - 6:43
by Makke
I suck at tennis! I don't really follow the sport either.

I play squash, which Stefan Edberg happens to be playing these days.

Posted: 30/04/2003 - 7:12
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
I'm playing tennis maybe twice a year, but my girlfriend's sister is a pro. She's been on the tour for 1,5 years now, ranked as 2nd in Sweden in doubles and 4th in Sweden in singles! We're constantly updated through SMS-messages, I think we've gotten one SMS from every country in the world by now!

A preliminary homepage for her is at