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Happy Birthday Maindrian!

Posted: 31/07/2006 - 4:59
by LMan
Hey ho have a fantastic birthday! :D

Posted: 31/07/2006 - 5:58
by Dumper
Have a great birthday Maindrian.

Posted: 31/07/2006 - 9:10
by merman
HB Mondrian... oh wait, that was the guy who did those minimalist paintings! HB MAINDRIAN! :cake:

Posted: 31/07/2006 - 9:37
by Boz
Have a good'un, Maindrian :lol:

Posted: 31/07/2006 - 10:29
by Thunderer

Posted: 31/07/2006 - 11:19
by Dafunk
happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, la lala la la la la... :D

Posted: 31/07/2006 - 12:03
by xo
Happy birthday maindrian, have a great day! :cake:

Posted: 31/07/2006 - 12:09
by ifadeo
happy birthday, adam!!!!

i hope you had a great day mate... and that you got some nice music gear... :wink:

btw. my mailbox waits for your new songs!!!

cheers michael

Posted: 31/07/2006 - 13:05
by Kenz
"Insane in the Maindrain ... INSANE IN THE BRAIN!" :D

Erm, I'll stop singing now and say

Have a great Birthday!



Posted: 31/07/2006 - 19:22
by Chappers
Happy birthday Maindrian!

Hope you have a great day. :)

Posted: 31/07/2006 - 19:43
by Maindrian
Coo, ta folks.

Uneventful day, thank god. Went out, treated myself to a Doctor Who DVD. Shirt from my sister. No new guitar falling from the sky. Bum. :D

I'll get on to you with a couple of songs later in the week Ifa, I'm busy with the bass guitar I blagged off a friend for a month. I reached a point where I didn't want to do anymore recording until I had a real bass in there. Also, I've been a bit timid about mailing you because I still haven't re-recorded the vocals for your song. I keep putting it off. Other than that, while I've got the bass, I might squeeze in a remix if I can find the right SID.

Making music takes a lot of psyching up for me these days. :(

Posted: 31/07/2006 - 20:28
by Noir
Happy Birthday Maindrian!
I hope you did had a great day ;)

Posted: 31/07/2006 - 21:17
by Vosla
Little late...
Happy Birthday, Maindrian !!! :D :D :D

Posted: 01/08/2006 - 1:16
by Matrix
Appy Birfdi' m8 :D