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OMAHM - Episode 004 (The Last Ninja) Now Online!

Posted: 18/09/2006 - 22:27
by Kenz
Hiya peeps,

I *finally* managed to get the 4th OMAHM online after a bit of a delay caused by a hard-drive crash and real-life-getting-in-the-way type stuff.

But you get an extra-long one this time (oo-er) - 79 mins of retro music Ninja tomofoolery.

Clicky the piccy for details!


Most of the track requests I received made it into the show. :)

Posted: 19/09/2006 - 1:18
by Analog-X64
WoooT WoooT !!!! hurray!!! YAY!!!! (jumping up and down)

Yes I like these Podcasts :)

Posted: 19/09/2006 - 7:13
by Makke
w00t! :D

Posted: 19/09/2006 - 7:58
by skitz
Well done Mr Kenz! It's kewl...

Posted: 19/09/2006 - 12:19
by Kenz
Thanks y'all - hopefully nobody will notice the glarge at around 65 mins. ;)

Hey Skitz, you fancy another curry sesh? Let me know when you are free for a slap-up feed one weekend. *slobbers at the thought of curry*

Posted: 21/09/2006 - 7:28
by maverickbna
Pay attention at 20:53, when he tries to pronounce Reyn Ouwehand's name.

Sounds like a cross between Boz trying to say "Reyn Ouwehand" and Glyn R Brown's Last Ninja 2001 mix ninja kiai... :wink:

Posted: 21/09/2006 - 11:07
by Kenz
Hehe, notice I mixed in Arnie going AYYAYYAA with my pronunciation. :lol:

Posted: 30/11/2006 - 4:03
by Steve B
where is number 5 ?? (he demanded, in an important voice)
you promised speccy muziks !

btw, i shall be ordering some dvds from you in the coming months from .. (the Back in Time Live Double-DVD Showreel Set, Digital Memories and the Emily B :drool: / bits series)

Posted: 02/12/2006 - 18:29
by Kenz
Hi matey,

Sorry about the delay with the show - life keeps on getting in the way I'm afraid. It takes about a weeks-worth of my spare time to put a show together but unfortunately all my spare time has to be devoted to other commitments at the moment (freelance work to earn extra moolah, family stuff etc. etc.) But don't worry, OMAHM will resume when I have more spare time available. :)

Posted: 30/01/2007 - 10:29
by Schlicky
No. 5 :cry:

Posted: 30/01/2007 - 11:21
by Kenz
Number 5 is still not alive I'm afraid - but it IS under construction ... More news as it happens. :)

Posted: 30/01/2007 - 12:44
by Tonka
Kenz wrote:Number 5 is still not alive I'm afraid - but it IS under construction ... More news as it happens. :)
Gimmie some notice when it's near the time, so I can finish that PP remix :)