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Another SID tune nicked?

Posted: 08/03/2007 - 11:54
by Chris Abbott ... herRmx.mp3

Bonus points to whoever finds the SID: EmSlice vs Denga already have a record of nicking SIDs, so...


Posted: 08/03/2007 - 12:02
by Dr.Future
They did it again...unbelievable... :wink:
Go 'n' get 'em, Chris! :twisted:

Posted: 08/03/2007 - 12:25
by Chris Abbott
Well, I personally don't recognise this SID, so I'm hoping someone else does... the likelihood is that I don't own this one... unlike on their previous offense, "Sumo"

Posted: 08/03/2007 - 13:04
by CreaMD
I don't recognise the sid either. It sounds like genuine composition to me. It doesn't use very complicated sounds so it could be (maybe) created with some sort of sid based midi hardware/software.

Posted: 08/03/2007 - 13:42
by Chris Abbott
Hmm, it got more involved towards the end: and it's difficult to believe (knowing their track record) that these two are capable of composing anything... but hey, anything's possible...

Posted: 08/03/2007 - 15:20
by Romeo Knight
IMHO it doesn't sound cogent like typical SID. Yes, it's 8-bit LoFi but it could also be Nintendo or any other digital retro synth or VSTi.

Posted: 08/03/2007 - 16:20
by Mayhem
Doesn't ring any immediate bells... but yeah, would be a shock if it was original heh...

Posted: 08/03/2007 - 19:33
by tas
Romeo Knight wrote:IMHO it doesn't sound cogent like typical SID. Yes, it's 8-bit LoFi but it could also be Nintendo or any other digital retro synth or VSTi.
That was my First impression actually - I thought it sounded more Nintendo than SID.

Actually it's remarkable how you hear these types of sounds in Music these days.. I was listening to a song by Milk Inc which had drum sounds that i'd swear sounded like SID.. I doubt they were but they didn't half sound like it. Strangely it really enhanced the track.

Posted: 08/03/2007 - 19:42
by Chris Abbott
Hmm, thought it was a bit pulse wavey to be Nintendo, but hey...

The previous rip by these guys was "Sumo", a rip of "Last Ninja 2" even more blatant than Timbaland's...


Posted: 08/03/2007 - 19:51
by tas
Heh, Well i've just had some dental surgery and i can't hear a thing in my left hear at the moment due to healing nerves so don't think i know what i am talking about ;)

They couldn't get the tooth extracted due to my strong jawline and so they ended up going through the top which then they also couldn't get out.. Turns out the extra bone which i had the opperation for in my foot also had a similar problem in my jaw - although not quite the same.

LMAO! it seems i'm full of bone!

Has anyone ever had stiches in their gob? what a wierd feeling.

anway, i can't hear properlly at this moment so i dunno!

Posted: 08/03/2007 - 20:26
by dan gillgrass
tas wrote:Heh, Well i've just had some dental surgery and i can't hear a thing in my left hear at the moment due to healing nerves so don't think i know what i am talking about ;)

They couldn't get the tooth extracted due to my strong jawline and so they ended up going through the top which then they also couldn't get out.. Turns out the extra bone which i had the opperation for in my foot also had a similar problem in my jaw - although not quite the same.

LMAO! it seems i'm full of bone!

Has anyone ever had stiches in their gob? what a wierd feeling.

anway, i can't hear properlly at this moment so i dunno!
Wtf? u pissed also? lol..

Posted: 08/03/2007 - 20:29
by tas
ofcourse I bloody am, you silly bugger... fancy asking a question like that! :lol:

My opinion

Posted: 20/03/2007 - 0:22
by commodork
Judging by the waveforms this is NOT a SID tune. Listen 2 da outro, that square is a little to clean to be from Sid, the saw also sounds a little flat to also be from Sid. Check a somewhat related project and pull up Self Test 2 by Bartosz Kalinowski. The glissando sounds similar and the melody has a similar sound. Or it, as Romeo Knight said, could be something else.