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What i have in common with Boz....

Posted: 27/04/2007 - 18:48
by FFRenzy
During one of the usual conversations of uselesness on skype, it was decided to start a thread were we point out what we have in common with our beloved yet wonky DJ Bozretro...AAAAAAnd it was decided that i should start the thread ( thank you, Brutey ).

Well, here goes...
It seems that my nameday ( my real name is Michel ) is Boz's birthday ( 29th of September ). His is exactly one month before my birthday.

Now, on to the next person......

Posted: 27/04/2007 - 18:53
by leoni
oh oh good one.. lemme think.. wait.. i have it..

It seems that I have the same amount of braincells used .. namely.. uhm.. wait.. (how many is it - i knew that before!?!).. oh ok... I remember now.. its 3 :D

(love ya Boz - BLEAAAAAAAAAUH!)

Posted: 27/04/2007 - 18:53
by BrutePoet
What I have in common with Boz is we have the same SlayBrother, we both like spicy food, we know to much weird trivia and none of us has been to Ulan Bator.

Posted: 27/04/2007 - 19:01
by cpt_chaos
my hair disappears more and more :weep: so I will soon like Boz ...
We have almost identical glasses...Damn it, am I gonna look like BOZ soon???? :duh:

Posted: 27/04/2007 - 19:09
by Chris Abbott
Mine's easy, we both did music together, and I made him tear out the rest of his hair during the Back in Time Live DVD Production (Skitz and Bog too!)

Posted: 27/04/2007 - 19:54
by Misser
Hmm in common? i think the size off our balls. We'll be able to do some skipping if we can find that little handle :)

Posted: 27/04/2007 - 20:05
by Analog-X64
I dont know if this counts... but I really like David Lee Roth's version of "Just A Gigolo" especially the part where he sings.

"Get along with me babe,
been singin love songs
All of the time
Even only be, honey only, only be
Bop bozadee bozadee bop zitty bop"

Posted: 27/04/2007 - 20:14
by cpt_chaos
I'm pretty sure that counts

Posted: 27/04/2007 - 20:50
by Infamous
were both english?

Posted: 27/04/2007 - 21:24
by Makke
Let's see... Boz and I are both:
* Guinness (and beer in general) drinkers
* SLAY Radio DJs
* SID lovers (obviously)
* SID remixers

Boz and I both
* Live in Sweden
* Laugh at farts
* Got lost in Brighton, trying to find Boz hotel, while one of us (that would be me) needed to use the little mens room badly - Kwed was also there...and he needed to use the little mens room as well

We're also good friends who get to see each other far to rarely. We need to sort something soon, Boz.

Posted: 27/04/2007 - 22:59
by Kenz
We are both members of the elite "Zee" clan! :D

Posted: 28/04/2007 - 7:13
by DHS

We both are partially bald...
We both like little tits with nice nipples...
We both always end up with girls with big tits.. :)
We both smoke...
We both are great friends of Dj Unz! :)

Posted: 28/04/2007 - 10:52
by Boz

zOMG this is priceless ;)

I notice a theme of baldness, reduce braincells and drinking forming here... I resemble those comments ;)

Makke: Yes, we definitely need to sort out a meet soon :)

Posted: 28/04/2007 - 11:38
by BrutePoet
Oh I nearly forgot! My exhusband is one day older then Boz, that has to count for something!

Posted: 29/04/2007 - 19:33
by the_JinX
Well let's see..

Both our initials are A.J.B.
We both used to have a girl called Linda