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Whatever happened...

Posted: 03/10/2007 - 15:32
by FunkyM
...To all the C64's various utilities and what-have-you?

Are they lost to all time now? or is there an archive of them?

Just a random thought that once crossed my mind...

Re: Whatever happened...

Posted: 03/10/2007 - 23:37
by merman
There's quite a few linked from this FTP site -

But maybe there should be a concerted effort to start preserving more?

Re: Whatever happened...

Posted: 15/10/2007 - 16:48
by FunkyM
I think so, after all, it is the least that we can do to preserve these historic, and often not-so-historic programs, because somebody wrote 'em. And they're most likely out of Copyright, so they'll be in the public domain to share.

Re: Whatever happened...

Posted: 16/10/2007 - 20:15
by Vosla
Nice idea. There are tons of utilities I remember but never found them online.