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Problems with voting for ROTY

Posted: 21/11/2007 - 14:31
by leoni
NOTE: The names of the characters has been changed :P

Hey all, I'm having a problem when I'm trying to do my duty and cast my votes for ROTY etc.

The thing is that when I am putting in the votes for 'Remixer of the year' for example I get a ? on several names. Dafunk and Reyn Ouwehand worked well cause then the scroll list appeared and his name showed up. But no matter how I fill in Moog's name it doesn't work :shock:

This is not the only problem.. When I try to put in 'Best C64 remix, Best Amiga remix and Most innovated remix' I get the same ? even though I looked in the charts that is listed on the site.

Is there something I am doing wrong ? :roll:

Re: Problems with voting for ROTY

Posted: 22/11/2007 - 8:39
by LMan
Sorry it has been a long standing bug in the Ajax engine, triggered by special chars like in "Bachliñski", I fixed it now. Thanks for reporting :)

Re: Problems with voting for ROTY

Posted: 22/11/2007 - 15:51
by leoni
:D Thanks! It works like a charm :thumbsup:

Re: Problems with voting for ROTY

Posted: 22/11/2007 - 17:51
by moog
LOL, I feel bit guitly ;) You're doing awesome work Markus :D