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Finally doing what I must.

Posted: 21/01/2008 - 3:48
by Bog
Finally, on Friday, I'm flying back to NYC to bury my dead at ground zero.

Finally paying my respects. Oh my, it will sting, it will sting harshly, but finally- finally - maybe I can make peace and be me again, the gentle giant that Chris knew before the war.

I want to be me again :( And I want it to stop hurting. I miss my friends. I want it to stop hurting :(

I want my world back. :( Maybe on friday, I can start doing that.

Re: Finally doing what I must.

Posted: 21/01/2008 - 10:49
by Chris Abbott
Good luck with that, mate. I know what it means to you.


Re: Finally doing what I must.

Posted: 21/01/2008 - 10:53
by LMan
All the best :(

Re: Finally doing what I must.

Posted: 21/01/2008 - 11:08
by merman
Take care, big man. See you on the other side of this.

Re: Finally doing what I must.

Posted: 21/01/2008 - 15:15
by leoni
I wish you the best - you big cuddly bear you.

Re: Finally doing what I must.

Posted: 21/01/2008 - 22:47
by Analog-X64
My wife and I got married Sept 07, 2001 just 4 days prior to the tragedy.

Sept 07, 2006 wife and took an 8 hour Train ride to NYC and we stayed till the 11th. It was an emotional experience and the full brunt of it, didnt set in, till the 11th when we saw former employees of company's that were there, carrying wreaths to pay their respect.

I hope you're trip will be a good healing process.

See you when you get back.

Re: Finally doing what I must.

Posted: 22/01/2008 - 0:29
by skitz
All the best Bog, I hope you find the answers you are looking for over there mate.

Re: Finally doing what I must.

Posted: 22/01/2008 - 1:48
by Bog
Thanks, everyone.

It really helps, knowing I have such as you who give a shit. It really does. I'm privileged.

Re: Finally doing what I must.

Posted: 22/01/2008 - 11:32
by Kenz
My thoughts go with ya Bog.

See you at RV for a beer or twelve!


Re: Finally doing what I must.

Posted: 22/01/2008 - 15:38
by Sidman 64
All the best :(

Re: Finally doing what I must.

Posted: 23/01/2008 - 0:07
by Dumper
That must be a very difficult thing to do, all the best from me Bog.

Re: Finally doing what I must.

Posted: 23/01/2008 - 21:42
by Vosla
I hope that it helps silencing the demons that kept torturing you for so long, my friend.

Re: Finally doing what I must.

Posted: 24/01/2008 - 2:25
by Analog-X64
Bog wrote:Thanks, everyone.

It really helps, knowing I have such as you who give a shit. It really does. I'm privileged.
You are welcome!!! and Yes we actually do give a shit.

Re: Finally doing what I must.

Posted: 25/01/2008 - 11:52
by beyond
Have a good trip - I hope you reach peace and ease with it.

I was teaching at university when it happened. The entire class me included simply could not understand what we saw on web-TV. It was so frightening and so unbelievable! Going to Ground Zero afterwards stunned me, still unbelievable.


Re: Finally doing what I must.

Posted: 25/01/2008 - 20:16
by Vosla
I just moved in my new flat at the start of september 2001.
My girl brought her TV around and the next day there was that video of the plane crashes.
As they said it was a terrorist attack, I instantly thought: "This is the beginning of WWIII."
Afterwards all went tits up... :confusion: