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Thank you for and excellent show Ziphoid

Posted: 10/02/2008 - 18:58
by trace
It was really fun meeting all new faces and all the rest who was there and chatting though my english wasn't the best until the last day when I got in to it and wasn't that nervous :D
Will have a listen to the show now and listen how I sounded when Andreas interviewed me, *Nervous? Who me?* :shock:
Andreas what shoe size do YOU have? :D lol

And wow Ziph, you do have LOTS and LOTS of gadgets :D

Looking forward to meeting up for some more shows and/or events in the future, will try to get a babysitter for our kids so my wife can join next time :D

See you next time :D

EDIT: I just said to my brother that it was too bad we didn't went to copy partys and stuff to meet other nerds and getting contacts :| :slap: But better late than never :D
I have never met such amazing and friendly ppl :D :cheers: :thumbsup:

Re: Thank you for and excellent show Ziphoid

Posted: 10/02/2008 - 20:53
by Andreas Wallström
Thanks to all for a great weekend! It's always nice to have your peeps from other countries around...

Trace, it's 43. ;)

Re: Thank you for and excellent show Ziphoid

Posted: 10/02/2008 - 22:40
by leoni
I can only add a big mofo ditto to Andreas comment :D

Re: Thank you for and excellent show Ziphoid

Posted: 10/02/2008 - 23:25
by moog
Absolutely great event Zippy! Thank You.

Of course thanks goes to all participants, You're great guys and gals ! :)


Re: Thank you for and excellent show Ziphoid

Posted: 11/02/2008 - 0:21
by Hazel
Really great show and a weekend to remember.. Thanks for the invite Ziphoid. I had fun. Next time, please pick me up at the airport. LOL.. teehee.
It was really nice to meet you all at the show.
Big thanks to Floaf for saving my ass ;)
Hey Trace, isn't driving in Stockholm fun ? hehe ;)
And thanks to moog for the 'concert' (megatalented bastard) :D I noticed that you were drooling over Musicline ;)
Andreas, you should begin training for the next ironing battle ;)

Until next time we meet..

*Keep the ironing alive*

Re: Thank you for and excellent show Ziphoid

Posted: 11/02/2008 - 10:44
by trace
Hazel wrote: Hey Trace, isn't driving in Stockholm fun ? hehe ;)
hehe nooooooooooooo :argh:

Re: Thank you for and excellent show Ziphoid

Posted: 11/02/2008 - 12:52
by Ziphoid
Well, thank YOU ALL guys'n'gal for making the weekend what it became. It's always wonderful to meet up with both known and unknown faces and just chill out and have fun... :)

@Hazel: Well, next time I'll make SURE that you have got the correct mobile number for me... ;) It was wonderful that you could join us and once again a BIG thanx to your sis and brother-in-law for helping you get over here.

@Trace: I actually sat in the car giggling when I saw how nervous you were when we drove around Stockholm. Sorry for that, my friend. ;)

@Moog: It was awesome that you could join as well and now when we know how easy it is for you to get over here, let's make sure it'll happen again pretty soon. :) Btw, I gather there were no problems at all to get through the security control with your prizes, right? ;)

Again, I feel VERY pleased with how the weekend turned out and I sure hope that all you that participated feels the same way. It's all about feeling good and having fun, you know. ;)

// Ziph

Re: Thank you for and excellent show Ziphoid

Posted: 11/02/2008 - 14:28
by trace
Ziphoid wrote: @Trace: I actually sat in the car giggling when I saw how nervous you were when we drove around in Stockholm. Sorry for that, my friend. ;)
You TWAT! :lol:
btw: the ozone keyboard is working like a charm :D extpect some tweakin of sounds and stuff in my comming tracks :D :cheers:

Re: Thank you for and excellent show Ziphoid

Posted: 11/02/2008 - 14:59
by leoni
Ziphoid: We'll just have to make a NEON sign for Hazel next time :D

Re: Thank you for and excellent show Ziphoid

Posted: 11/02/2008 - 15:32
by moog
On a stand or stick :) (my painful arm)

@Zippy: haha, yup they allowed me to get with them through the gate, no probs. Now they're sparkling on my shelf :)