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Forbidden Forest (Spider Surfin')

Posted: 25/03/2008 - 21:09
by Makke
You may have seen the new release from yours truly, Forbidden Forest (Spider Surfin'). Please, do check it out if you haven't!

I started this thread to respond to some criticism, although I normally refrain from doing so, as many people think the remix is too short. The main reason for it being only one minute and 22 seconds is that making something sound like it's played live, when it's not, is really, really hard! I'm not trying to score extra points here, just stating the facts.

I tried making the remix longer, but every twist I added sounded forced and unnatural from a playing point of view. Thus, I stuck to what worked and sounded authentic enough. Also I didn't want to stray from the original source too much on this one, and the SID is kind of short.

So yes the remix is short. Perhaps too short, but the surf-style in itself is also to the point and short, so I justified the shortness with that.

So, basically, to keep the quality of sound up, I made it shorter. Plus, most of my remixes are short. I don't like to "stay my welcome", and would rather leave people wanting more than to milk a concept. ;)

I just wanted to explain that, and it's not like I'm complaining about the reception. In fact, so far the average-vote is much higher than expected! :D

Re: Forbidden Forest (Spider Surfin')

Posted: 26/03/2008 - 12:05
by kjetiln
Hey Makke! Short can be good, nothing wrong with that, but this time I think that the tune really feels uncompleted. I see that I am quite alone not loving your tune, so I don't think you should take either mine or others negative comments too seriously. What is there is good, and I don't doubt it was hard to make. But for the average listener, it really doesn't matter if a tune took five minutes or 3 years to make, as long as it sounds uncompleted.
I am sure you know all this, since you're one of the best and most creative remixer in the community. But I and probably more with me really can't judge a tune on the soundquality and name of the remixer alone :)

Re: Forbidden Forest (Spider Surfin')

Posted: 26/03/2008 - 16:49
by Makke
kjetiln wrote:I don't think you should take either mine or others negative comments too seriously.
Oh, no worries. I don't. ;)
kjetiln wrote:What is there is good, and I don't doubt it was hard to make. But for the average listener, it really doesn't matter if a tune took five minutes or 3 years to make, as long as it sounds uncompleted.
Very true, and I do agree that the remix is on the short side. It was however a matter of 'release as is' or no release at all, because of the reasons mentioned in previous post I had a rather hard time adding length to it without compromising the quality.

I felt that what was there was release worthy, and here we are.

There are no hard feelings or anything! I just wanted to explain the "time flaw". ;)

Re: Forbidden Forest (Spider Surfin')

Posted: 26/03/2008 - 17:17
by Subzero
I have some critisicm - you could have waited a few more months to release it....its no longer an exclusive track to the C64 podcasts ;)

I am kidding BTW....

Oh yeah and its a bloody lovely track too :)

Re: Forbidden Forest (Spider Surfin')

Posted: 28/03/2008 - 21:06
by Vosla
Quentin Tarrantino fan, ey? :lol:
Pretty cool, but short. Could be worth a second shot, no?