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BirthDay List.

Posted: 22/04/2008 - 9:36
by Analog-X64
Why was the Birthday List moved to the bottom? It makes it harder to spot.

On vBulletin by default the Birthday List is at the bottom of the screen, but our Users complained that it was hard to spot and we moved it to the top.

I know its a pain to edit to make the Birthday announcement show at the top every time there is an update it will default to the bottom. But having it at the top is better.

Re: BirthDay List.

Posted: 22/04/2008 - 9:40
by LMan
The former birthday list was homemade and patched into the forum (back then there was no native birthday list in phpBB). The new birthday list is per default at the bottom. I'll have to look into editing the templates to move it to the top again without it being too obtrusive.

UPDATE: Ok that was easier than I thought, although apparently birthdays are only being displayed on the forum index.