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How long does it take from submitting to release ?

Posted: 29/04/2008 - 19:30
by Ic3m4n
i was wondering because there are about 40 tracks in the submission queue...and the last release was on 12th april.

i crawled through the pages here, but didn´t find an answer to it...sorry, if this was discussed already. maybe you can point me to the topic ? ^^

Re: How long does it take from submitting to release ?

Posted: 01/05/2008 - 14:35
by skitz
Ic3m4n wrote:i was wondering because there are about 40 tracks in the submission queue...and the last release was on 12th april.

i crawled through the pages here, but didn´t find an answer to it...sorry, if this was discussed already. maybe you can point me to the topic ? ^^
I am not entirely sure what page you are looking at but if you checked the RKO page on Tuesday April 29th you should have seen the last released track should have been Beezerk - I Love Bees? Since then other tracks have been released from the queue including one of your on the 28th.

As Remix.Kwed.Org (RKO) is basically a free service kindly offered to us fans by Jan Lund Thomsen it is entirely up to him as to when a track in the queue is released and also the jury members which I am honoured to be a member of (and must spend more time reviewing the queue so that Jan can release them faster.

Anyway, bottom line is that they get released from the queue when they get released from the queue - simple as! :)

Re: How long does it take from submitting to release ?

Posted: 01/05/2008 - 14:45
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Methinks he means the AmigaRemix queue since this is the Amiga Remix Releases forum. ;)

Re: How long does it take from submitting to release ?

Posted: 01/05/2008 - 14:47
by skitz
Dayum, you are right! I should remember which forum I am in before I post!

What day is it again? :eekout:

Same rules apply though I guess apart from instead of you Jan it's Zippy! :)

Re: How long does it take from submitting to release ?

Posted: 01/05/2008 - 14:50
by skitz
Wow - there are a lot of remixes in the queue at the moment - I am going to be a good AR jury member and review them all now! :oops:

Re: How long does it take from submitting to release ?

Posted: 01/05/2008 - 19:40
by Ic3m4n
skitz wrote:Wow - there are a lot of remixes in the queue at the moment - I am going to be a good AR jury member and review them all now! :oops:
Have fun ! lucker :(

I should have guessed it...but it´s fine to hear that everything is normal. The worst case would´ve been if the site dies

Both, Jan & Zippy, doing a great job - if that is all made in sparetime ! :worship: It wasn´t my attend to "rush art"...´cause you can´t :sly: Keep it up like you did till now.

Cheers :cheers: / Dennis

Re: How long does it take from submitting to release ?

Posted: 02/05/2008 - 10:14
by Romeo Knight
Btw, I was once offered to join the Amigaremix queue jury - but still miss instructions, a link or something to actually get into it?! That could fasten things up. :-)

Re: How long does it take from submitting to release ?

Posted: 02/05/2008 - 13:59
by Ziphoid
Romeo Knight wrote:Btw, I was once offered to join the Amigaremix queue jury - but still miss instructions, a link or something to actually get into it?! That could fasten things up. :-)
My bad. I actually set you up as a juror a long time ago, and I mailed the info to you on June 25, but I must've missed to mail to the correct address. That's remedied now. :)