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A small update on me...

Posted: 15/11/2008 - 0:03
by Razmo
Hi everyone.

I've been away for some time now, and was wondering that some of you might wonder what I've been up to.

Generally I've been dealing with myself for a long period of time. As I've written in earlier threads I suffer from Social Anxiety and Depressions, and I've been trying to figure out why this is, and why I've never been able to find myself a job.

The answer came this summer, and it's Aspergers Syndrome (High functioning form of Autism).

I'm really pleased with this, as it puts an end to many years of frustration, and I'm now in the process of getting social retirement meaning that I'll be able to live my life the way I can best.

Actually this Aspie thing also put a lot of other aspects into perspective... for example WHY I never seem to finish anything I start (all those damn riff's I've got, never finished :lol: )... it explains my disability to fokus on anything but music and sound also.

I hope that I'll be back again soon with some more remixes for you all... currently I'm waiting for my new analog drummachine to come home from repair, and also I've ordered a new analag synth (Dave Smith Instruments: Mopho)... looking forward to that.

My allconsuming interrest in hardware music gear has also found it's reason: Asperger Syndrome, and it has made me accept, that I do not aquire gear because I need it anymore, but rather because i WANT it! :lol:

Another aspect of Asperger Syndrome I'd like to explain is the one concerning difficulty in understanding social cues... an Aspie can learn this over time, but as it's impossible to read body language through the internet, sometimes I may seem a little "energetic" to some people... and I know I've been acting quite determined on some aspects in here in the past, so please forgive me if I'm seeming a bit weird at times... it's explainable, and probably true! :duh:

Well.. that was just a small update to let you know, that you've not seen the last of me... the problem is, that you never know when you'll get to because I don't even know myself :lol: ... just be prepared.. some day I'll jump right out at ya! :mrgreen:

Re: A small update on me...

Posted: 15/11/2008 - 1:02
by Dumper
I'm pleased things are looking up for you Razmo, i too suffer from Social Anxiety and Depression so i know how difficult life can get. So to celebrate you feeling better it's time for you to do an excellent remix. :)

Re: A small update on me...

Posted: 15/11/2008 - 1:43
by Razmo
Dumper wrote:I'm pleased things are looking up for you Razmo, i too suffer from Social Anxiety and Depression so i know how difficult life can get. So to celebrate you feeling better it's time for you to do an excellent remix. :)
Now THAT'S a bloody good idear! :lol: ... I've got some plans for sure, but need to get that darn drummachine back first... had a fabrication fault when I bought it, so it had to go for rep :cry:

I cannot say anything about WHAT remix it will be, cause I change my mind more often than underwear (was that wise to admit? :mrgreen: )... creativity seem to hit me like a lightning from a deep blue sky, so You'll never know what you're gonna get :D

Re: A small update on me...

Posted: 15/11/2008 - 3:09
by Analog-X64
I look at this as a positive news (not the Aspergers Syndrome), but rather you have the answer to your question of what was going on.

Looking forward to your future mixes and as well some co-op work. ;)

Re: A small update on me...

Posted: 15/11/2008 - 20:59
by Vosla
Wow. Well, the problem seems to be identified and could be dealt with! It seems that you are capable to take this into your own hands. :cheers:

Re: A small update on me...

Posted: 17/11/2008 - 0:10
by Razmo
Vosla wrote:Wow. Well, the problem seems to be identified and could be dealt with! It seems that you are capable to take this into your own hands. :cheers:
Exactly Vosla... knowing and accepting your limits and strengths is THE key :wink:

Re: A small update on me...

Posted: 22/11/2008 - 15:37
by Bog
It is very important to identify the problems in one's life, so that they can be dealt with and properly handled.

I, for example, can never resist a pun, so congratulations on your new ass burger!


Re: A small update on me...

Posted: 23/11/2008 - 1:02
by Razmo
Bog wrote:It is very important to identify the problems in one's life, so that they can be dealt with and properly handled.

I, for example, can never resist a pun, so congratulations on your new ass burger!

He he! ... well one thing is for certain, I'm not lost on humor, though many an Asperger would be growling at you for exactly THAT joke Bog :wink:

And I better correct you anyways, so that you won't get a horde of angry Aspie's on your neck:

It's pronounced AS - PURR (like a cat) - GER

not AS - BUR - GER :mrgreen:

Anyways, once in a while a burger DOES come out my ass... just looks strangely different from when it entered (in the other end... mind you! :mrgreen: )