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Nightwish - Nemo

Posted: 12/01/2009 - 10:13
by fac
Hi everyone

Well I know this is terriable late, but I just found the cd again and listened to it in the car this morning. Ever since I first heard Nemo for the first time I was sure that I had heard the keyboard intro before in another context. I asked a million people (more or less :wink:) back when the cd was released, but all said that they had never heard it before. So now I turn to you guys and girls because it is really driving me crazy. I am pretty sure it is not C64 related, but then again I do not know.

And just for easy reference a youtube link for the video: Nightwish - Nemo

Re: Nightwish - Nemo

Posted: 12/01/2009 - 13:29
by Analog-X64
The Intro Piano sounds like an Amiga Tune that I've heard before with some notes missing and some altered. I dont quite remember what the MOD is called so it will have to be someone else..

But interestingly enough doing a quick search I came up across this interesting bit of video.

Some Metal Band well their keyboard player plagiarized the intro tune from Amiga "Agony" by Psygnosis.