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Is this Prophet64 SID Demo tune still hosted somewhere?

Posted: 23/01/2009 - 22:01
by RobinsonMason
A "sequencer demo" was from the Prophet64 website - an MP3 shortened down to about 15 seconds: Link's Not working - but it was at:

I LOVE the sound but would love it more if I could get a hold of the full track in MP3 or SID. Anyone have it or know where I could find it?

I did find a YouTube vid of it with typical YouTube quality sound (the MP3 from the site sounded much better):

Oh yeah --- I should head over to the requests section and add this one sometime! :D

Re: Is this Prophet64 SID Demo tune still hosted somewhere?

Posted: 23/01/2009 - 22:29
by trace
I found this googling around :D

On there you have the demo song, if that song is what you wanted? :D

Re: Is this Prophet64 SID Demo tune still hosted somewhere?

Posted: 24/01/2009 - 6:04
by RobinsonMason
Awesome, that's it! Thanks much trace.

To save people the jump:

Oh come on guys, you know you want to remix it! :help: :duh: :help: