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Turrican the wall Extend - Dj Bo

Posted: 11/04/2009 - 11:20
by Gal Agiese
Hallo to everybody my names is Vittorio, I'm italian and a love all the remixes of this site.
I would like to ask to you, if someone know what the music say in the meadle when someone speak (about minute 2.53 to 3.02) and what kind of languige is.
Could you also traslate (in English is ok) also the meaning of this phrase?

Thank'you very much :D

Re: Turrican the wall Extend - Dj Bo

Posted: 12/04/2009 - 11:14
by SkyMarshall Arts
Hey man, nice written accent. I like it.
Anyway, here comes the middle spoken part - what I could hear of it anyway!
"... ration and the evolvment of an organic life-form. Coding sequence can not be revived once they are touched"
Its just from an interview/documentary about cryonic science - nothing special. :)

Re: Turrican the wall Extend - Dj Bo

Posted: 12/04/2009 - 16:04
by Gal Agiese
Thank'you for your rapid answer!
Maybe I have found the text that you sayd:

To make an alteration in the evolvement of an organic life system is fatal. A coding sequence cannot be revised once its been established
It's possible that in few seconds, say all this text?

In anyway Skymarshall your song of Turrican is the best; i expecially like the text... (once there was a time, i tame when games had soul) Wonderfull.

Ah, I'm also your fan on SkyMarshall Group on Facebook.

Re: Turrican the wall Extend - Dj Bo

Posted: 13/04/2009 - 3:05
by SkyMarshall Arts
I have a group on Facebook? Now that's ... awesome I guess :)
Anyway, I only heard what I told you in the last post - but your quote there was close enough.
Maybe someone with english as their main language could help out as well.
Im norwegian, so Im not THAT good at getting the parts you cant really hear.

And thanks for the feedback on Turrican btw :)