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Outrun music in porn film

Posted: 10/08/2003 - 9:23
by Lagerfeldt
Some time ago I noticed the use of the Outrun music in a pornographic film :roll:

Has anybody discovered more use of game music in funny circumstances?

PS. Had to resist posting this topic as "Sticky" (geddit?)

Posted: 10/08/2003 - 10:33
by Chris Abbott
> geddit?
I didn't get the ins and outs of it... :P

Posted: 10/08/2003 - 13:48
by tomsk
I remember getting a 'dodgy' copy of Spiderman (the movie) and the company/group who released this 'copy' used the Crazy Comets theme (the actual C64 version) as the music on their credits intro.

Posted: 10/08/2003 - 17:55
by merman
There's a Tetris style game on that uses remixes of C64 tunes, can't remember which one though...

Re: Outrun music in porn film

Posted: 04/09/2003 - 22:11
by SteveL
Lagerfeldt wrote:Some time ago I noticed the use of the Outrun music in a pornographic film :roll:

Has anybody discovered more use of game music in funny circumstances?

PS. Had to resist posting this topic as "Sticky" (geddit?)
What film was it? :D

Posted: 08/09/2003 - 11:58
by soren_ladegaard
Any chance that you could capture the sequence as DivX or something? :-) I actually mean it. Could be quite fun the hear (and see) :-)

Posted: 09/09/2003 - 7:12
by Lagerfeldt
It was a scene in a compilation ("150 Kaskader" or "Gigant" series from Max's).

I probably still have the tape but it would take forever to find that scene, so unless I accidentally stumble upon it, no chance I'm afraid.

Besides I don't watch videoes that often (it's on VHS not DVD) so it's rather unlikely.. sorry