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Two C64s a couple of datasettes and a bunch of old games

Posted: 24/07/2009 - 21:10
by fac

My brothers C64 broke in the eighties and my C64 broke in the early nineties. Since then they have had a not so glory spot on my moms attic. Now however she keep saying that we should clear out our old stuff. My brother don't care about this old equipment, and I have giving up the dream of getting them to work. So the choice was to either take it to the dumpster or give it away. So lets try the second option first.

We are talking two C64's condition unknown but couldn't start the last time we checked about 20 years ago. Condition now is even more unknown as i have actually only seen the boxes they are in. But that can of course be checked if someone is interested. Besides these two golden computers we are talking a couple of datasettes perhaps some joysticks and then a bunch of old tapes some original some just containing a bunch of cracked games (Blame my brother :wink: ).

We would happily give this stuff away since we cannot make any use of it anymore. All of this equipment is at the moment located in Odense, Denmark and I would prefer to give it to someone who make good use of it, and who lives nearby.

Re: Two C64s a couple of datasettes and a bunch of old games

Posted: 25/07/2009 - 2:00
by Commie_User
I'd give anything to be a Dane just this minute....... :rofl:

How much does it cost to send to England?