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C64 music/SID article in upcoming Retro Gamer

Posted: 26/07/2009 - 12:10
by CraigG
Hi all,

I don't know why I forgot to post this here, but: I'm about to start researching a large feature on SID music for Retro Gamer. If there's anything you'd like to see, please reply here. Also, if anyone's in touch with famous C64 musicians of days gone by (or you are one), please let me know via private message, in case I haven't yet contacted them. (Please do NOT post any contact details in public view, obviously.)

Any opinions of favourite tracks/musicians would also be welcome.

(Note: I will include something on the remix scene, but the article's primary focus is going to be the SID tracks themselves, and largely with a retro focus, rather than 'the great new track that came out last week'.)

Re: C64 music/SID article in upcoming Retro Gamer

Posted: 26/07/2009 - 14:22
by Dr. Bongo
Great stuff will be reading it!
Feel free to mention my internet radio station(The SID Station) as SID music is all that`s played.
check it out at and contact me if you need any more info.

Re: C64 music/SID article in upcoming Retro Gamer

Posted: 26/07/2009 - 14:42
by Analog-X64
Fantastic, I look forward to every issue of Retro Gamer when it arrives in the mail. :)