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Funky's Adventures in Retrocomputing, Parte the Seconde!

Posted: 23/09/2009 - 16:44
by FunkyM
Well folks, I gots good news and Bad news.


I found the power supply for my old C64, I booted 'er up, and she still goes!


The Power socket's gotten quite choosy about working, and You have to hold the lead at a certain angle. Also, the Tape Drive's been broke since 1993ish, and I'm not to sure about the Plus/4 tape-player we lashed the interface on to...

So, I might upload pictures if anyone's interested, but I'm looking for options!

Re: Funky's Adventures in Retrocomputing, Parte the Seconde!

Posted: 24/09/2009 - 6:30
by LMan
Sounds like a dodgy contact on your cable, I'm sure your local electrician can fix it for you.
You can always get a replacement 1541 for reasonable prices from ebay or sometimes at flea markets. :)

Re: Funky's Adventures in Retrocomputing, Parte the Seconde!

Posted: 24/09/2009 - 21:24
by FunkyM
Could be the cable, could be the port side, I think that my dad opened it up once when it wasn't working... (Early-mid 90s, it's a "cream wedge" model)

But yeah, I'll ask about getting it looked at.