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the 909 revolution - cauldron 2

Posted: 26/10/2010 - 20:44
by Infamous
pretty much finished save doing the odd bit of tidying up and tarting it up here and there.. so here you go.

Let me know what you think.

Re: the 909 revolution - cauldron 2

Posted: 27/10/2010 - 13:18
by SarahKreuz31
well,it`s...okay, I guess. I`m not the most receptive person if it comes to this style of music,it isn`t really my cup o`Tea, so I could be the wrong person to give a good Feedback - I even don`t know what the heck a 909 Revolution could be. :confusion:

I miss some catchy melodies within the Track (besides this beepbeedebeebeebbeeeeeb there`s a lot of more "Space" to add something) and the Voice-sampling is repeating a little bit too much in my ears.

Just my opinion by listening the whole Track today.

Re: the 909 revolution - cauldron 2

Posted: 27/10/2010 - 19:37
by Infamous
Whatever it is it'd be pretty bloody noisy and definitely bassdrum led thats for sure lol

But thanks for the feedback, I still need to sort out bringing the melody out a little further i think and giving it a little more substance but im glad that someone who doesnt really get the whole dance music thing finds it at least "ok" thats a good start for me :-)

unfortunately repetition is part and parcel of all dance music and thats the style im going for so you could effectively drop it into a nightclub set and no one would really know the difference, or that it was a remix of a sid tune :)