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A break from music because of Tinnitus!

Posted: 24/09/2011 - 14:41
by trace
As from now I will have a break from music as my tinnitus has gotten worse. I will get an apointment to the tinnitus specialists in a few days or so, so I will hopefully get an answer if it can get better if I rest my ears a while.

So now more remixes or anything from me in a while.

I will concentrate on doing my webpage now, it is due :D

Regards Trace

Re: A break from music because of Tinnitus!

Posted: 27/09/2011 - 5:28
by LMan
That sucks big time, mate. Get well soonish!

Re: A break from music because of Tinnitus!

Posted: 27/09/2011 - 7:49
by cyphax
Ouch, that is a particularly nasty thing to have, since it's irreversible... :(
Please take care of your ears, don't make it worse, I wish it on nobody.

Re: A break from music because of Tinnitus!

Posted: 27/09/2011 - 22:29
by Vosla
Oh, swell! Hope your doc get this right! :/

Re: A break from music because of Tinnitus!

Posted: 28/09/2011 - 2:49
by AndyUK
Well you rest easy pal and keep us up to date on the outcome eh? Good luck!!

Re: A break from music because of Tinnitus!

Posted: 28/09/2011 - 8:56
by Dumper
Not good at all, I've had tinnitus for years and there's not much that can be done about it.

Re: A break from music because of Tinnitus!

Posted: 28/09/2011 - 19:19
by trace
Thanks guys, it is HELL to be precise to have tinnitus. I constantly hearing like white noise in my head and a high pitch tone in my left ear.
Sometimes I don't think about it and when I do it just sounds like it get's louder.

Anyway, no paper when i'm going to the doctor yet, stil waiting...

Re: A break from music because of Tinnitus!

Posted: 20/10/2011 - 12:57
by trace
Been to the ear doctor today and had my hearing tested :D
And the result was better than I ever thought, I thought my hearing was lower etc etc..
BUT the results came out alittle better than 2 years ago :shock:

The only think that was alittle "worse" was the high treble that was alittle lower than before, but other than that -> :cheers:

I said that I took a break from music cause of this because I thought it could be worse BUT the doctor actually recomended me to continue with music so I take the focus of the tinnitus sounds in my head, keeping the volumy not as loud as I previously have had and I am OK! :D

So let the next CD be in production :rock: :thumbsup:

Re: A break from music because of Tinnitus!

Posted: 20/10/2011 - 19:39
by Vosla
Now that's good news then! :D