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Bionic Commando

Posted: 07/01/2003 - 13:20
by hoomish
No one (to my knowledge) has remixed anything other than the 1st level tune, and that was an XG midi I think (Chris?). The Title tune, 1st, 2nd and 3trd Level and the Highscore tune are fantastic and I'm very surprised no one has remixed them yet.

Tim Follin's the dude 8)

Posted: 13/01/2003 - 13:05
by hoomish
Nobody fancy Bionic Commando, then?

Posted: 13/01/2003 - 14:14
by Larsec
I'm starting a remix of the title (assuming that's subtune 1) once I get a little deeper into my Dark Side remix...
It will be a Bionic Commando/Terra Cresta joint mix... I'll probably name it Terra Commando :)

Edit: DHS tells me that subtune 5 of Bionic Commando is the title theme, not subtune 1... So I guess I'm not doing the title theme of it, just the 'crazy drumming'... very well put DHS :)

Posted: 13/01/2003 - 22:37
by Monty
@ Larsec:
Yeah! I'm kind of _ecstatic_ to read that you are working on a Dark Side remix :D
I like this tune very much as you may have noticed...
So take your time to work it out cause i know you have the skills to create a masterpiece!
But: No pressure, be easy 8)


Posted: 13/01/2003 - 22:45
by Larsec
Thanx for the compliment Monty ;)

It might take a while. There will be a lot of guitar and since I've just learned a few more tricks I might just add some more detail to it than originally anticipated :)
But I'm very enthusiastic so who who knows... :D


Posted: 14/01/2003 - 9:28
by Chris Abbott
> that was an XG midi I think (Chris?).
A bit more than that, but not much more. The MIDI file will be useful to people eventually.


Re: Bionic Commando

Posted: 31/01/2003 - 18:02
by exo
Indeed, Bionic Commando is definitely not "outmixed", there are many subtunes and its hard to get tired of them. I wonder what style would be coolest to apply in a remix of it - jazz, electronic/techno, fusion?

RE: Terra Commando...

Posted: 02/02/2003 - 12:16
by merman
The metallic sound of Galway meets the metal crunch of Follin - sounds like a good remix..

Tim's dark secret...

Posted: 06/02/2003 - 12:35
by Rafael Dyll
Whilst on the topic...

You guys ever noticed that on Bionic Commando, Tim nicked a whole passage from Start Wars? I don't have my SID player here with right now, but if my memory serves me correct, it was the second level where you start the attack on the fortress. It's about 2 minutes into the tune I think.

There is a whole bit that is so definitely Star Wars, it hurts. :wink:


Posted: 06/02/2003 - 14:11
by hoomish
He did indeed. It's the 2nd level tune (subtune 6) from about 0:50-56. Actually, although all the in-game music is based on the arcade machine it's all pretty different - much better in my opinion. :D

Posted: 06/02/2003 - 14:16
by hoomish
Oh and before I forget... Larsec: subtune 1 IS the title tune, crazy drums and all that. Subtune 5 is Level 1.

1 Title tune
2 End level
3 Game over
4 Highscore
5-9 Levels 1-5
10 Could be the game-complete theme - never made it that far :wink:

Posted: 06/02/2003 - 15:13
by Larsec
Thanx Hoomish! :D

Maybe I will be able to start working on it next week... I need to lay a base soon because the ideas are pouring in :)

RE: Bionic Commando

Posted: 08/02/2003 - 12:23
by merman
STIL does have that information on the "Star Wars", and also some quotes from the Commodore Zone interview.. in which Tim sounds very depressed.. He said "it all fits somehow", meaning he was inspired by the original arcade soundtrack and added to it.

Posted: 13/02/2003 - 0:13
by Larsec
OK, I started the track and it might turn into something useful... A little side project got in the way... Can't comment on it though, someone might come after me if I did... Makke for example :D

Posted: 13/02/2003 - 14:06
by hoomish
Cool! I look forward to hearing the results... :D