IK Lee +
Arranged by: Snake TMF
Original by: Dave Lowe
Release Date: 13/02/2011
All-Time Rank: 1386.
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Listeners' Rating
53% (13 votes)
4 Dr Future shouts: It has its own, unique style. Not the definitve version, tho.     ::     3 SarahKreuz shouts: Background sfx are annyoing as well as the main Instrument. But... Well produced, that`s for sure. Should be an intersting Remix for die hard-IK Fans.     ::     5 Spoonwzd shouts: I'm a big fan of the original track and this is an interesting and well produced remix. Nice work!     ::     2 Satanarchist shouts: This is a case of reverb overkill and bad mixing, all the leads sound muddy and unclear, and the guitar synth lead is awful.     ::     2 Erekose shouts: Lead is awful like satanarchist said, reverb is too strong, drums are cheap.     ::     2 Starwer shouts: Bad arrangement that make the overall dull