Back From Blue
Arranged by: Mister Ghostie
Original by: Matthew Simmonds (4-Mat)
Release Date: 16/04/2011
All-Time Rank: 325.
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Listeners' Rating
82% (16 votes)
Very Good! 
5 Dr Future shouts: This - sounds - very good! NIce guitar worx, Mister. Some variations to the drums, and it'll get a red face from me!     ::     5 Amok shouts: Very very nice. The piano did not fully convince me though.     ::     5 nummer2 shouts: Pretty well done has the soul of the original     ::     5 ryrynz shouts: Ever thought of doing a flashback remix? I reckon you could pull off a real beaut.     ::     5 Lem18 shouts: The intro took me right back, loved it! Great version of the original. +1 ryrynz, Flashback. Mister Ghostie on flashback-options1 :)     ::     6 Lennie8008 shouts: Outstanding guitar and piano     ::     5 TheMessenger shouts: Uhhh, how I like the piano parts. The rest is an almost eerie reminder about the reign of the synthies in the good old 80s, but it somehow turns out to be really good...