Spy vs spy / Spiderman / humanrace & creatures 2 on the way!

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Spy vs spy / Spiderman / humanrace & creatures 2 on the way!

Post by Infamous »

Sooooo... ive been gone a little while (about 2 months now) and now im semi back, im stuck using a dial up connection (welcome to the dark ages!) but once ive got my broadband connection back the space below will be filled with 4.. count em! new remixes by myself.

Spy vs spy, which i showcased here a few months ago and has undergone a massive reworking and doesnt blow up your speakers whenever you attempt to play it anymore.

Spiderman which is a sort of dubbed, breakbeat thingie.. with some vocals in it and a piano that im not that happy with but seems to fit quite well.. subject to change

Creatures 2, Which is a return to my very 1st remix and a sort of.. that was me then.. this is me now type affair.

and human race which I made by accident whilst writing another tune entirely and realising about half way through.. wtf im just playing goldrunner here... But it sounds good (no.. seriously)

I also have alot of other remixes that will be floating about, Ive completely redone the soundtrack to blaster, done a few tunes from the lost vikings, final fantasy has had my attentions, some old amiga demo mods (some firefox stuff which I have to say I am really REALLY impressed with the original mods if you read this foxy) + some of the dax ravebuster tunes which i really enjoyed when i was just getting into the amiga music scene. Also I've managed to finish my ep (much to the delight of the people who pay me lol) only a year late but at least its done now and ive got something around 15 original tunes.. so ive been quite busy the last couple of months.

And i also managed to complete WC3 and the frozen throne in that space of time too and was sorely disappointed at just how easy the whole bloody thing was.. except that last mission .. illidan is a right royal >censored< .. anyway its lovely to be back looking forward to listening to all the new remixes on rko/amiga and in the forums and a big fond hello to you all!
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Re: Spy vs spy / Spiderman / humanrace & creatures 2 on the way!

Post by Analog-X64 »

Welcome back!!! and Looking forward to hearing you're work with the Wizball Remake.
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Re: Spy vs spy / Spiderman / humanrace & creatures 2 on the way!

Post by Infamous »

Ahhhh yes :D now that is one game well worth wasting a box of tissues over Ive seen it guys.. and its GOOD.

Actually, ive seen quite a few damn fine remakes as of late and Im very honoured to be part of the set up on some of these games.

on the subject of games.. anyone played bioshock yet?... excuse the french but .. Fuck me! that was a rollercoaster of a ride and no mistaking.

The ending was a bit disappointing though, couldn't believe that one "eaten peice of cheese outside of border control" = the bad ending, i only wanted to see what'd happen if i was a bit evil, had to go through all over again (not a chore by any means) to get to see the good ending which is a bit pants too.. but you cant have everything i guess. Reading up im glad to see that they plan on franchising the game and talks of a movie are already being bandied about (it will be a GOOD movie if the right people are picked). Oh and the other thing.. they released it buggy as hell lol, i had hours of trouble trying to get the damn thing to run properly but im sure they'll fix that with a patch in the future.. kinda added to the suspense in a way.. will opening this door make the game crash again?!... ... presses button.... .... GAHHHHHH! .. restart.
Last edited by Infamous on 25/10/2007 - 16:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Spy vs spy / Spiderman / humanrace & creatures 2 on the way!

Post by Dumper »

Welcome back Infamous sounds like you have been busy remixing, i plan on buying Bioshock when the price drops online. I almost read what was looking like a nasty little spoiler in your post there but managed to look away in time. :D
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Re: Spy vs spy / Spiderman / humanrace & creatures 2 on the way!

Post by Infamous »

Lol they should have that spoiler written in bold print on the box, over the games name :p

Its definitely worth the retail price though, Imo Its more of a game revolution than half life 2 ever could have been and will be the benchmark for which other fps's are judged by for a long long while. That AI is amazing you genuinely feel your dealing with real people and when they start gang raping you its bloody scary lol.

The amount of times id shouted "thank fuck!" when a big daddy decided to wander through with his little girl ... followed by rapidly gaining in volume shouts of "KILL THEM!!!! KILL EM ALL!!!!" and maniacal laughter.. ive been to see my doctor about this and he assures me its perfectly normal behaviour for a phycotic so thats good then lol.
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Re: Spy vs spy / Spiderman / humanrace & creatures 2 on the way!

Post by Scyphe »

Infamous wrote:Ahhhh yes :D now that is one game well worth wasting a box of tissues over Ive seen it guys.. and its GOOD.

Actually, ive seen quite a few damn fine remakes as of late and Im very honoured to be part of the set up on some of these games.

on the subject of games.. anyone played bioshock yet?... excuse the french but .. Fuck me! that was a rollercoaster of a ride and no mistaking.

The ending was a bit disappointing though, <snip: spoiler>, i only wanted to see what'd happen if i was a bit evil, had to go through all over again (not a chore by any means) to get to see the good ending which is a bit pants too.. but you cant have everything i guess. Reading up im glad to see that they plan on franchising the game and talks of a movie are already being bandied about (it will be a GOOD movie if the right people are picked). Oh and the other thing.. they released it buggy as hell lol, i had hours of trouble trying to get the damn thing to run properly but im sure they'll fix that with a patch in the future.. kinda added to the suspense in a way.. will opening this door make the game crash again?!... ... presses button.... .... GAHHHHHH! .. restart.
Bioshock was just amazing. Not your everyday Doom/Quake-shooter with no brains, but then it comes from the people behind System Shock 1+2, Thief etc. Glad to see you're back with new remixes, I've listened to plenty of your stuff throughout the years of RKO's existence. :)
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Re: Spy vs spy / Spiderman / humanrace & creatures 2 on the way!

Post by spacefractal »

please do spoils for use who dosnet have the game. Please edit them out or warn about it.
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Re: Spy vs spy / Spiderman / humanrace & creatures 2 on the way!

Post by Vosla »

Heya, webby, Mr. Infy! :D Glad you show up again to do some remix goodies... :wink:

As for Bioshock (not a spoiler):
Dunno if they edited the bad ending out of the game in the german version but I had not the same problem (accidentally hit the wrong key and killed one gatherer; Eww, was that her colitis? And I got the good ending as I rescued all other gatherers).

And the AI IMHO isn't really breathtaking; enemies have a good path finding and are quite capable of dogding attacks but totally f*** up when you charge them or use plasmids.
They are also pretty stupid when they flock together in a puddle of water or oil - tickle them with the electro plasmid or play with fire. Tons of fun.

Leveldesign is visually marvelous, riddles are mediocre, hacking is like a retro joke.
I don't regret I spent some birthday money on it but the copy protection is a sick joke.
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Re: Spy vs spy / Spiderman / humanrace & creatures 2 on the way!

Post by Infamous »

Spy vs Spy is now floating about in the upload queue xD

Spiderman is getting a new vocal (im toying around with destiny's child's lose my breath, it doesnt sound half bad either).

Creatures is just being tweaked and ill put that up on the queue aswell.

and humanrace im revising the beginning of and removing the arp from the beginning and replacing it with the original noise that was there instead.
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