Help! Can someone help identify this old module test mix...

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Help! Can someone help identify this old module test mix...

Post by d.a.wilson »

Hello... I've always liked this old mod but I've no idea what it is - I remember copying it off a friends Amiga front cover disk circa 1990 - can someone put me out of my misery and identify who wrote this module and where it was used. As far as I know the title is Sad Song not to be mistaken for another module of the era by the same name.

Here is a link to a quick studio test sequence - if anyone thinks it's worth spending some time remixing it properly then I'd value your constructive feedback: ... 2BSong.mp3


Dan, Hideaway Studio.
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Re: Help! Can someone help identify this old module test mix...

Post by Analog-X64 »

Nice tune.. never heard of it before.
d[-.-]b (+[___]x)d(>_<)b 52656d697836342e636f6d2073696d706c7920726f636b732120
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