Retro remakes competition 2008

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Retro remakes competition 2008

Post by Infamous »

Yeapppppppp its that time again, them crazy fellows over at RR have decided to go into the lions den once more armed now with postage to brazil and anti asteroid and tetris remake underpants (and claymore mines for the more persistant) and all for a good cause too.

Theres some AMAZING prizes for the winners so the coders among us might even don their programmy hats and give it a go.. go here -

Going there explains most of it (naturally) ofc they'll be looking for musicians and gfx artists and whatnot im sure so if you can give a hand fly yourself over and offer someone will definitely bite it quicker than you can say.. waters pretty co... OUCH!

Its gonna be a biggun!.
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Re: Retro remakes competition 2008

Post by Analog-X64 »

Cool!!! Unfortunately I have No Time for anything with the damn work project.
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