(name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by leoni »

(name removed) wrote:Oh...didn't I already said "Bye?" - Yes I did...once again.:D
When I say Bye and get out the door I go home. Please do the same.
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by Romeo Knight »

Does anybody know if his playlist contains some of my tracks?
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by Ziphoid »

Romeo Knight wrote:Does anybody know if his playlist contains some of my tracks?
Most certainly yes, since a lot of the tracks comes from the RKO repository.
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by Romeo Knight »

Ok, Manuel, if you're still reading here:
Please remove any of my tracks from your playlist, this includes all remixes but also
oldschool and newschool demo music as well as live concert recordings.

If I ever gave you permission to play any of my tracks I hereby revoke that permission.

Thank you.
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by peter w »

I hope you wake up soon and realise this is serious (name removed). Your hurting yourself and others. Seek some guidance and help to sort things out in your life. I hope you bounce back...

p.s Remove my tracks from the playlist, thanks.
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by Chris Abbott »

This might be a good time to clarify the legal issues involved.

Each remix has minimum two permissions needed: one for the underlying music (permission needed from composer/publisher), and one for the actual performance (needed from remixer and/or original SID artists). Many C64 tracks are legally in a position that organisations such as GEMA (in Germany) have been given the exclusive right to grant licences. For any C64 tracks that aren't in GEMA's catalogue, permission would be granted by the original composer personally.

All of the stuff I administer is under GEMA (actually MCPS/PRS in the UK and STIM in Sweden), as is Reyn Ouwehand's stuff, Jon Dunn's stuff, and others).

Now, GEMA apparently sell a licence radio for 30 Euros a month that gives blanket access to the underlying music. I know John and Slay have been talking to STIM about similar licences. So the cost of (name removed) doing the right thing (and regaining access to the underlying music in my catalogue) is 30 Euros a month. I'd mention here that it's a flaw of the system that we wouldn't see any of that money: it kind of goes into a collective pool and is distributed later based on general radio play statistics.

So what about the right of a remixer? Well, if you haven't signed the rights away to anybody (for instance, by joining collection societies for actual recordings), then you still have the right to say who plays your tracks and who doesn't. In the real radio world, record companies can't stop radio stations from playing their works, since all their works are registered with another organisation which grants blanket licences, as long as the radio station keeps to the letter of the law.

But if the piece is not signed to a record label, then you have rights over your work, including the ability to stop people playing it, even if they have permission for the underlying music.

For example, Makke can demand "Monty on the Makke" to be removed from Radio (name removed), even though if he bought a GEMA licence, he would have the right to play Monty on the Run generally.

So buying a GEMA licence would restore his access to a large amount of the catalogue, but without it, it needs to be removed. Any radio station worthy of the name could easily raise 30 Euros a month from its delighted listeners. And let me emphasise this once again: neither me, the composers, or my company are asking for, or would get money from Manuel. This is all about playing by the rules and showing you respect them, if you want to be a proper radio station. however, there's probably nothing he can do now to regain access to the tracks withdrawn in this thread: that's an inevitable consequence of stuff which happened.

Anyway, I'm sure GEMA will be in touch with him soon.

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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by Razmo »

(name removed):

For one, I have not had any qualms with you, but still I'm trying to figure out what it is you get from continuing this debate, constantly arguing the same things over and over again? ... believe me, I'm talking from a neutral standpoint here, but have just wondered after reading a lot of this bickering on and on.

Why would someone stay here, if they seriously feel, that all of the people (or many of them) are on your neck? ... personally I'd be out of here in a split second, not wanting to have anything to do with the site if I KNEW I was right... I would not even bother to lower myself to do otherwise even if I knew I was right... but yet you keep discussing this?

I asume, that since you are doing a radio show, and visit these forums, that you, like us have a great fondness of C64 remixing and the scene as a whole and participating in the fun of it all? Still, I cannot see what kind of fun you are getting from this, no matter which side is right or wrong, unless you feed of the negative energy?

What the hell started all this nonsense anyways!? and is it really all worth it to continue the feud?

I mean... sometimes we all do something stupid, and I myself has also written a few bad posts here and there, that started angry responses... the difference is that I have raged off, seen the faults I did and learned from it.... why?... because I like this site, and because I want to be part of the fun, rather than the negative drama, and because I have something to share with everyone just like you have your radio show that YOU could share with everyone.... but it's must fun for people when it's born out of positivity, and not dumb noncreative verbal fights.

I have the feeling, that most of the people here have enormously long tollerance levels compared to what you might find anywhere else on the internet... I feel that they go a long way to ensure that everyone gets a fair treatment in here, even if they do a few stupid things once in a while... that is valuable, and something you really should think about, cause I think that you could correct this feud easily by just accepting your own faults and stretching out a friendly hand... but as always: it takes two to tango.

A lot of of strength you get from forgiving, seing inward and realise your own part in your problems with others... you'll get nowere untill you learn that trick really... neither will any of those you fight with... really... you simply have to stop wanting the final word before you can solve this problem here.

Just my two cents...
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by Chris Abbott »

Maybe he's as fed up of it as we are and has actually left?
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by Razmo »

Chris Abbott wrote:Maybe he's as fed up of it as we are and has actually left?
Maybe...maybe not... only time will tell.

A few conflicts is unavoidable I guess, and maybe even something to learn something from once in a while, but this topic here has reached a point where (in my opinion) it has no point anymore.. nothing new, just the same story and the same complaints over and over again.

Precious time that could have been spend on lots of good stuff in here...
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by C64GLeN »

Chris Abbott wrote:Maybe he's as fed up of it as we are and has actually left?
I think he has, I was exchanging email with him last week regarding the Facebook group I've mentioned elsewhere, and he seemed to indicated he was going to go away (from here, Slay and SceneSat) and remove the GEMA tracks. However I don't know if he has gone and done that.
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by Dimmignatt »

Remove all tracks in which I've played a part in, in any form, be it X-formZ or not.
At the same time you can delete !"ALL"! X-formZ tracks you might have in your playlist.
I want nothing to do with your station and I urge you to delete the tracks from your playlist.
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by skitz »

Right...... so I took a break from the "scene" about two months back because I was feeling uninpired and bored with the whole political shinanigans that were going on at the time and now that I am ready to come back I stumble over this thread!


How can "the bloke" turn a simple request from an artist to kindly remove their tracks from an Internet Radio Station's rotation list turn in to such a mind fuck?

After reading this I initially thought that I would do the same and ask kindly that any of my files that are on their rotation are removed but then I don't want to end up feeling like I did two months ago and so my thoughts on this are "FUCK IT!" - let that strange little thing continue do whatever he wants to with my remixes and just hope that he will come unstuck at some point! (Please Oh LORD! :worship: ).

I am just looking forward to The Gathering in a couple of weeks and just hope that he doesn't invite himself! :shoot:
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by daXX »

Hi Manuel,

If you're reading here: Please remove my Account from your Forum and remove all My Remixes and Productions from your Playlist.

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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by am-fm »

same here, please remove my tracks from your playlist...


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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by khisanth »

Reading this thread was a bit of a shock to me. I heard about this guy's antics from the past and thought he had finished being silly, but wow was I wrong! :sadnod:

Thankfully its all quiet now and you all can enjoy the Gathering :)
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