jealousy, bitterness and idiocy

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jealousy, bitterness and idiocy

Post by timmya4000 »

ok so i gave an honest comment for a remix which offered praise and unfortunately criticism too. what i received was a very tit for tat comment on one of my own remixes. fair enough you might say. well this is my problem/rant... while my critique pointed at specific aspects of the song , be it to do with TECHNIQUE, ARTISTIC SKILL or NOSTALGIA FACTOR, this persons bitter critique to my own remix was based on taste. he/she could not think of anything constructive so just wrote this is not to my taste, that is not to my taste etc. WHAT DOES TASTE HAVE TO DO WITH TECHNIQUE, ARTISTIC SKILL OR NOSTALGIA FACTOR. i personally never bring taste into a review/comment and i always try to be generous with my final vote often giving a smiley 1 better than i think the remix deserves as a way to kind of ease the blow. if this was a one off case i would not have problem but this happens all the time, people are so unbelievably touchy about their music that i'm no longer going to be leaving comments. some people are so bitter, jealous or god knows what that, even if you uploaded something they undeniably loved or could not find a fault with, they would still leave a negative vote and comment, again citing taste as their reason for doing so. this is so frustrating and such an unfair low blow that it can only be put down to jealousy, bitterness or just plain idiocy, because only an idiot would bring taste into a critique. this needs to stop but i know it won't. i refuse to bite back and stoop to their level by leaving negative feedback on a remix that i actually like. often there have been times when a piece of music has not been to my taste but at the same time i cannot pick a fault with the remix leaving me with only one option: to leave a very positive vote. if you honestly can't find a fault or can't think of anything constructive to say about a remix despite the fact that you don't like it, then either don't leave a comment/ vote or better still, acknowledge the fact that you can't pick a genuine fault and leave positive feedback despite it not being to your taste. peace out people.
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Re: jealousy, bitterness and idiocy

Post by Jan Lund Thomsen »

As far as I recall, the C64 Mafias "Paperboy (So you don't like rap music)" was born out of the exact same frustrations that you're encountering - bad reviews left by peoples distaste for a particular genre, and nothing else.

Honestly, I thought that the community had matured on since then.

Also, kudos for not stooping down to their level and exchanging low blows.
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Re: jealousy, bitterness and idiocy

Post by timmya4000 »

the c64 community is full of holier than thou pricks. my brother worked with nostalgia to remake ghosts and goblins (he did the sprites) and the amount of negativity received is quite frankly disgusting. i never played the original release of the game and can look at both versions objectively on even terms. the remake is clearly way better and a fantastic achievement by those who worked hard for no reward. these complete twats really wind me up and are killing the community by taking things too seriously and taking all the fun out of anything anybody does to keep it alive.
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Re: jealousy, bitterness and idiocy

Post by Doddsy »

Sadly there are people who leave negative silly revengeful comments but I don't think it's as bad as it used to be(if you think its bad now check out tunes back in the early 2000's! Those comments could be really harsh!). Maybe more casual listeners back then I don't know? These days listeners are perhaps too polite! Fearful of getting those revengeful comments maybe. In fact listeners are entitled to say it's not to my taste after all they are your audience (and I've had a few of those) but I've learned to be thick skinned and say what do I care if that's what you think - I did this remix and x amount of these people liked it so I'm going to continue to support the scene with my remix ideas.
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Re: jealousy, bitterness and idiocy

Post by Dumper »

timmya4000 wrote:the c64 community is full of holier than thou pricks.
That's a bit harsh, this very site shows there are plenty of decent people in the community. Your tunes have been favourably received, there will always be people on the net who you will disagree with for whatever reason though I do see where you are coming from.
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Re: jealousy, bitterness and idiocy

Post by timmya4000 »

That's a bit harsh, this very site shows there are plenty of decent people in the community. Your tunes have been favourably received, there will always be people on the net who you will disagree with for whatever reason though I do see where you are coming from.[/quote]

yeah it was a bit harsh, i sometimes have a rant when i'm tired and then regret it a bit.
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Re: jealousy, bitterness and idiocy

Post by NecroPolo »

I have always said and I say again: you guys take the comment + voting-and-rating hubble-bubble too seriously :)

Making a remix is like fucking with a girl a wholenight then releasing a short video edit of it. Even if you decide it's public, it is your initial personal experience. Anyone's any comment that mentions that his one is bigger is just totally pointless. The same is true when your performance is criticised: the watcher would prefer it from other viewpoints, you're too flappy, the gal is too skinny, too curvy or whatsoever - what's the point really? During the making, it was your tool working on the subject anyway. It's your fun making it at the end of the day, eh?

The things below come from metal scene that has a somewhat bigger scale (now there you can get extreme harsh feedback, compared to that the remix scene is sort of nice and gentle) but I think can be applied here, too. Listeners and their feedbacks can be divided into four subcategories:

positive neutral - The smiling guy: They are not overwhelmed with you or your production but they have ears for your release.

negative neutral - The beta tester: These listeners point out the weakest points of your production objectively that is an extreme value for your next release.

positive affected - The Fanboy: It is the most dangerous category. Everything you do is a sign of a higher meaning to them and they try to dig into your personal life. If you take any opinion seriously from them it will destroy your production sooner than a killer meteor.

negative affected - The regular online hater: They hate even the fact that you and your production are in existence. They are predictable and fun to manipulate. Almost as much fun as pissing them off intentionally :) Funny thing, 99% of regular online haters become coward little trembling bunnies during a personal cofrontation.

So, why would you take anything from anyone too seriously - even from yourself? Relax, there is no point of worrying about anything. If you took the responsibility and had the guts to publish your work for the public, stay beside your release with a smiling face and grow the rhino skin to take people's thoughts about it with grace. Receiving reflections is always fun, be it positive or negative.

The 'bad guy' there is not a negative feedback. The real 'bad guy' is indifference.


Last edited by NecroPolo on 20/06/2017 - 17:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: jealousy, bitterness and idiocy

Post by LMan »

Hey mate,

contrary to shouts, writing a review has the following requirements: "Objective, elaborate, constructive, respectful". While we do not actively police this rule, you can file a complaint to me and I will check out and eventually remove the review.

Maybe an interesting read:

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Re: jealousy, bitterness and idiocy

Post by Datasette Idol »

Hey Lman, great sids.

- I think a lot of people have worked to voice some reasonable opinion on this, also ofcourse resulting in flamewords like "troll", "fanboi", and the now less used "lamer", etc. But sometimes these phrases are abused, and it can be a bit difficult to see who is who. It all really comes down to the darkness of idols, why is why I (jokingly) chose my username "datasette idol". Thus one can appreciate monotheism for civilized behaviour, which the online version of is ofcourse "netiquette". Even then ofcourse sometimes people can loose their temper and some real nasty cases of that we see haunting for instance places like LKML. :)
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