Revenge of the Last Mystery...

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Forum Loony
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Joined: 27/04/2005 - 15:56

Revenge of the Last Mystery...

Post by FunkyM »

Come with me now, friends, as we venture to the deepest, darkest corners of an almost-forgotten CU Amiga Coverdisk...

Through the Mists of time, until we reach... October 1994! Yes, somewhere shy of my 15th Birthday, I found it, "Amigas Power", an unassuming OctaMED file, created by a seemingly Anonymous Spaniard, living in Tenerife. And quite a Bangin' little Choon it was too!

Alas, time rolled on, the A600 gave way to the A1200, which yielded to the ubiquitous PC, and with the advent of the Internet, I set out to see whether I could once again find this song. Year after year was I thwarted, yet I never gave up hope...

Until! Yesterday, or perhaps the day before, I chanced upon an archive of ADF files of old CU Amiga Coverdisks. With a little creative Googlage, I located Coverdisk 92. Lo, and Behold! Amigas Power Lived once more!

Or did it? Or DID it? OR DID IT??? For you see, It was no small feat to find such a manner in which to accomodate this tune. It resisted the feeble Input plugins of WinAMP, and my first faltering attempts to append it with a ".MOD" file extension.

AND THEN! It ocurred to me that this tune, which had been presented in OctaMED playable format, may not be a mere MOD, but rather, a MED file. With this in mind, I hunted the CU Amiga Archives, and found several versions of OctaMED available for free. Picking version 4, I proceeded to download, and thus convert the song to a recognisable format.

And now, we come to the end of this tale, for with the help of DeliPlayer, I now have Amigas POWER!!! Once more. Furthermore, if any of you wish to hear this tune for yourselves, I may upload it for sharing, or perhaps make a small torrent.

And the title? I describe half-remembered songs as "The Last Mystery", short for the las mystery I must solve before I die. And with my 30th Birthday looming some 16 months hence, several of these Mysteries have already been solved...
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