Search found 423 matches

by Sonic Wanderer
26/03/2011 - 9:16
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: R.I.P. DJ Skitz
Replies: 93
Views: 695369

Re: R.I.P. DJ Skitz

Being one of those more infrequent participators of the scene these days, it saddens me to not find out sooner....... :weep: I'd known about his condition for years, but I really thought (and hoped) he was going to recover from it. I am proud to have been able to meet Paul in person several times ov...
by Sonic Wanderer
13/08/2008 - 21:47
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: Project ST-01 : 44/126 Original Synth Presets Identified
Replies: 8
Views: 9213

Re: Project ST-01 : 44/126 Original Synth Presets Identified

Many of the sounds strike me as "Juno" or "Jupiter" when listening to them. Dig a bit into the presets of those golden oldies in the Roland synth line . I do seem to recall there being Juno 60, Juno 106, Jupiter 6 and Jupiter 8 . Just a thought..... Also, some bell sounds bring t...
by Sonic Wanderer
14/05/2008 - 15:53
Forum: Fun Forum
Topic: It's a boy!
Replies: 23
Views: 25505

Re: It's a boy!

Thanks for all the well-wishes! :cheers: I will tend to the "unit" as best I can. I have already discovered the little bundle calms down when listening to raw SID tunes. A good start! :mrgreen: Cheers! / Sonic PS. I also found out the bluntly obvious fact that babies do not have a clue of ...
by Sonic Wanderer
09/05/2008 - 10:37
Forum: Fun Forum
Topic: It's a boy!
Replies: 23
Views: 25505

It's a boy!

Heya, peeps.

On Wednesday, the 7th of May 2008 my wife gave birth to a healthy baby boy. We've named him Alexander.
So now we've stepped even deeper into the busy life of a "family". =)

I'll make sure to teach "Sonic JR" the ways of the SID. :mrgreen:


by Sonic Wanderer
05/03/2008 - 15:20
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: BIT Live Stockholm 2008 (Sept 13th) - Thanx for the fun!
Replies: 285
Views: 203087

Re: Back in Time Live Stockholm 2008 (September 13th 2008)

Now, I do wonder why this thread is sticking to the "Fun" part, when there is a real, live, genuine "Events" part for it to thrive in. =) :duh:
by Sonic Wanderer
20/02/2008 - 10:55
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Welcome to the world Remix64 vol 3 CD!
Replies: 120
Views: 147774

Re: Welcome to the world Remix64 vol 3 CD!

Dr.Future wrote:Been listening to Sonic's "Crazy Comets" for some hours now, and it's getting better every 4:13. :mrgreen:
Absolutely fantastic work Mr. Johansson!
I spank you humbly (or perhaps gently :mrgreen: ).

I do enjoy making remixes when I can. Been way too seldom as of late.
by Sonic Wanderer
10/02/2008 - 15:52
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: Wally Beben
Replies: 24
Views: 34436

Re: Wally Beben

I agree. He has done some really good and impressive work. What I could find was this: (right-click and open in new window, otherwise you lose this page). Seems he's from the U.K. and also use tha alias "hagar". This, for some reason, gave me a vi...
by Sonic Wanderer
05/02/2008 - 20:20
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Welcome to the world Remix64 vol 3 CD!
Replies: 120
Views: 147774

Re: Welcome to the world Remix64 vol 3 CD!

Woooo. I was idly listening but not paying too much attention due to fiddling with my new phone... and then Crazy Comets exploded in my ears. That's one fantastic track. My compliments to Mattias. Chris Now, *THAT* is truly what remixing is all about (for me atleast)! Such nice, fuzzy feedback on w...
by Sonic Wanderer
13/10/2007 - 17:27
Forum: Fun Forum
Topic: Let's make some noooooise for Sonic Wanderer!
Replies: 8
Views: 8959

Re: Let's make some noooooise for Sonic Wanderer!

Why, thank you all. :mrgreen:

Having a still day. Family over for coffee, and some cake. Nothing fancy or stressy. Goodness. :cheers:
by Sonic Wanderer
12/10/2007 - 18:03
Forum: Fun Forum
Topic: [GAME] Film Quiz
Replies: 719
Views: 454102

Re: Film Quiz

Starring Chevy Chase and Dan Aykroyd.
by Sonic Wanderer
07/09/2007 - 8:22
Forum: Fun Forum
Topic: Happy Birthday - Putzi
Replies: 10
Views: 9064

Re: Happy Birthday - Putzi

<Arnold mode>Chappy borfday on the Pootzi-puerson.</Arnold mode>

Yeeeeee! :cheers:
by Sonic Wanderer
10/08/2007 - 7:20
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Slay Gathering 2007
Replies: 29
Views: 32570

I didn't notice until just now that I do look rather mystified and "in the shadows, watching" on all the pics I'm in. Nice. =) Maybe I should develop an even deeper "cloak and smoke" mythical personality. :twisted: I did get a lot of "and who be you, then?" vibes, and e...
by Sonic Wanderer
06/08/2007 - 7:20
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Slay Gathering 2007
Replies: 29
Views: 32570

Yo, me' nigg0z! Me and my identical-t-shirt-twin-buddy Pidde also had a great time. Meeting the unknowns behind the names, the names behind the knowns and the names behind the totally unknowns. =) I have a bit of trouble being social in general so I didn't really mingle that much. Mostly hung around...
by Sonic Wanderer
22/05/2007 - 14:26
Forum: Fun Forum
Topic: Congratulations to teh Saga author BrutePoet!
Replies: 22
Views: 18430

Po-tay-toe, po-tau-toe.

I'm originally Scanian, Raised Bleking and now I live in Småland. =)

No matter what, living here makes us smålänningar!! *huga!*

...oh... and I also lived in Norrland for a bried period of time. =)
by Sonic Wanderer
22/05/2007 - 13:41
Forum: Fun Forum
Topic: Congratulations to teh Saga author BrutePoet!
Replies: 22
Views: 18430

Grrrrattis, du midvandrande smaulinning!!!!

(Swedish dialectual modifications in the works, no English translation available at this time, please check your local phonebooth at a time of your own inconvenience.)
