Article: The Remix64 Voting System

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Post by Razmo »

LMan: well, I had not thought about that... what about making an automatic popup at RKO, with a voting box, so that anyone who click on a song, will be presented with the voting option, and a friendly suggestion to give a fair vote? ... less than 15 votes are not much compared to how many actualy download the music is it?
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Post by LMan »

Hehe, now that would be annyoing as hell, wouldn't it. Besides, we only want feedback from people who want to give feedback. ;)
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Post by LMan »

razmo wrote:I still don't understand why there is compression in the beginning instead of just waiting to show the average score until the 15 votes are there... it seems that everyone ignores when I put up the question if anyone else "forget" to listen to the below yellow smileys of new releases?
That would not help at all, au contraire. It would mean the below-15 releases would not be represented at the R64 charts at all!
I do find though, that some of you guys get a little too "grumpy" when people start talking about the voting system... it is a forum, and you should be able to express your opinion here about the system, but it seems as if there is a kind of "Oh no!... not again!" karma when you do :lol: ... as long as it's serious debate, and not just someone who's pissed about having his tune diss'ed.
Well when you started the discussion, the same discussion had only ended a couple of days ago (hence the lack of enthusiasm from all sides). As stated in the article, it's basically the same discussion again and again. Besides, I think I have apologised already for being "grumpy". ;)
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Post by Razmo »

LMan: It was not directed at you in any way :wink: ... it's just this "team-up" I feel I can spot when I write something about it... there seem to come a flood of responses from people who just seem like they "team up" sayin' "We're damn tired of this topic!" ...

It feels a bit like; because you come up with an idear to maybe make something better, it's the same as saying: "Hey! your system sucks, and I've got just the idear to make it perfect!" ... that is not the case though.. my answer would maybe rather be "Your system is really good, but maybe I've got an ideer to make it even better!"...

It's just a little saddening to only get responses that hint that my topic or reply is "not wanted"... if you get me meaning? :)

I'll give the voting system an orange smiley :wink: ... if it will ever be able to get a red one?... I don't think so.

But when you think of it, if we; the musicians has to accept all types of votes with heads up, so should the voting system itself be able to take an oppinion, and as with music votes, system votes would most likely be as varied I think :)

Don't you think also, that it's perhaps a bit naive to believe, that discussing a voting system would ever end? ... I think it will continue for as long as people get pissed about unfair voting... avoidable or not, fair or not...

Maybe a sticky thread devoted to this would be handy? ... anyone wanting to rant could post there, and anyone wanting to reply, could do it there.
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Post by LMan »

There is no teaming-up, I imagine it might look that way, but in the end it's the long-time regulars who have also had this topic again and again.

Naivitee? :confusion: Don't think that anyone thinks the discussion would ever stop, but you also can't expect people to burst into joy if they had the same discussion so often already. (Making this topic sticky is actually a good idea.) I know other forums where such threads simply get locked with a comment that the topic was there before.

Many web forums also have a "noob" instruction page that tells them to use the search to see if a topic has been debated already. Well we don't have one, and frankly I don't think many people actually do it that way. Still it would be nice that *if* the topic is started again, it would bring new ideas and not just repeat the old ones.

Like what you intended with the genre thingy. I'm not of the kind who is not open to suggestions. But then again the initiator should also accept if his new idea is being turned down. :)

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Post by Razmo »

LMan: You're right... and I don't believe I have given the impression that I cannot change my opinion have I? ... I just got the impression from that topic I started back then, that there were a lot of unspoken "Oh no friends! ... not one of those ranters again!", and that is not really that nice to experience when you just want to come with idears... it's very straight forward actually; it only result in people not speaking their true opinion, though I don't care much about that... I'll just take the "beating" :lol:

Now I'm aware that there has been like threads before, but honestly, I made the topic out of reading other new topics, where people were also talking about the voting issue etc.... And I did come with several idears... maybe not good ones, but they were idears :)

I don't mind people debating the issue, and they CERTAINLY do not need to have the same opinion as me, but from that to giving the impression that the topic started is irritating and annoying I find to be too much... If one cannot stand reading them, then I suppose anybody is in their best right to quit reading it right?

Cough! Cough!.... Gollum! Gollum! ... I'm better now! :lol:
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Post by Razmo »

So my idear of a sticky topic is probably good then, as you seem to like the idear.... now I can understand that people may find it irritating to keep reading new posts about the topic, but if they don't have anything constructive to say about it, then I'd suggest they just do not participate in the topic...

but to get back to the sticky thing; it would be nice to just advice anyone who has a rant or idear for the system to post it there... then those who want to participate in the debate constructively can do that, and those who want to be free (which is just as plausible as the opposite), can do that.

It's just not fair, that those who want to debate it cannot do it without rolling eyes :wink:
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Post by LMan »

Point taken. Maybe next time when I post a *sigh* I should apply a smiley to it, so people know I don't mean no harm. :)
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Post by Razmo »

LMan: Your appology HAS been accepted... no need to atone further! :lol: ... maybe I just seem like I take it too serious because I dare to answer back on this, I don't know, because really... I would not want to get offended just because of a shitty topic really... It's debate in my eyes, and nothing else... when it get's personal, I'm usualy stepping down... not worth it :)

...just love to debate, and can be one hell of a stubborn bastard from time to time, but nothing bad is inteded by it hehe :roll:

PS. yes... a simple little smiley can make all the difference in the world... countless times have I forgot when dating girls on the internet (chatting on MSN) with GREAT complications to follow :lol:
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Re: Article: The Remix64 Voting System

Post by spacefractal »

Reyn Ouwehand, 23 releases = rating 12%

ONLY 12%? His tunes have got high rating, so I guess unrated cd tunes just got 0%. Some other authors might have this flaw.

For my own username (Space Fractal) I have released 3 tunes, not 4. The last submitted tune was in 1. january 2008....

Have Emailed LMan about these bug.
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Re: Article: The Remix64 Voting System

Post by LMan »

Thanks for noticing. Damn 2007 ROTY is a mess, I guess we'll insert another extra week...
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The voting system on rko

Post by trace »

I am a bit annoyed of the fact that voters of a remix can put a face on a track, good or bad and not write a comment on why he/she does or doesn't like the remix.

Escpecially when there is a greeen face and no comment on WHY the green face.
And if there is a comment that says "This is not my cup of tea, I don't like this kind of music, that's why the green face"

Those would be automaticaly removed...

I vote for a change not to be able to put a face on a remix WITHOUT writeing a comment...

Or am I totaly out in the wild here? :oops: :wink:
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Re: The voting system on rko

Post by Amok »

I almost agree with you. But i think that this would dramatically decrease the number of votes. Maybe it would work if every voter will be shown, even if the voter did not write any comment. Or to make a standard comment on every vote like :"No comment"... :wink:

At least some notorious downvoter will be revealed... :D
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Re: The voting system on rko

Post by trace »

You're right, it would decrease the number of votes, but it is really annoying when a voter votes a green face and don't say why :confusion:

At least on those 3 last faces from grey to green should have that feature that you MUST add a comment on why you dislike the remix :D
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Re: The voting system on rko

Post by kjetiln »

I agree. Perhaps it should be an option to not publish your name when you write a comment. That might even get more people to shout.

But it wouldnt stop getting bad votes from people that openly says they hate the style of the music a tune has.
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