I think that this and the courtcase against Timbaland will open the eyes of some young producers and musicians who could become interested in the SID scene, a scene they were probably oblivious of previously and would be without the maintstream attention. I agree with Chris is that it will not mean much for SID composers in terms of money, the mainstream will use it if they like it, but hopefully the scene will be enriched by some new blood, even though not too many I would presume.
BTW I love telling my wife and friends about the use of SID sounds in modern songs. They just think that the Commodore does bleeps and bloops when in actual fact very complex compositions can be made by talented individuals.
As long as that new blood is not Timbaland's, I'm calm
I don't believe in any good things like Chris with this... it'll be nothing more than "this years collection", and within a breath of a second it'll be over again, and the cash flow will have gone into the mainstream business.... the "milkman" has just arrived my friends, and he's leaving when the cows have dried up!
I'll be happy as long as the scene stays alive... money or not, cause I'm not here for money.
Razmo wrote:
I'll be happy as long as the scene stays alive... money or not, cause I'm not here for money.
I think that depends more on the people in and supporting the scene more than the mainstream. If people were only interested only in money the scene wouldn't have even existed in the first place. As I said not too many sceners, if at all, are going to see any money out of this.