AMPLE tracks...

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AMPLE tracks...

Post by SFan00 »

Way back ( probably around 1986-7 Ed.)

there was a H/W Synth solution on the BBC Micro...
This was the Music 5000.

It used a programming language called AMPLE (largely) based on FORTH.

I was wondering if
i) Any of the remixers here had heard of it?
ii) What recordings of AMPLE tracks exist as MP3 if any?

I appreciate this is mainly a C64 board, but it would be awsome if someone actually still used AMPLE.. :)
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Re: AMPLE tracks...

Post by Commie_User »

I think this is the closest we get here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=7003&p=80820

I did do quite a bit of typing for this post but Remix 64 wiped it when it asked me to log in twice in a row. Now I'm too p****d off to write it all again, especially as I'm a bit ill and irritable.

But in a nutshell, what do the BBC boards say?


ADMIN: Please sort out that whole wiping your comment when it asks you to log in again-thing, there's a good chap!
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Re: AMPLE tracks...

Post by Analog-X64 »

thanks for the link.

just a little tip. When typing long posts, it is possible for your session to time out.

So I normally copy my text before I hit the submit button, I've had many posts
disappear due to session timeouts.
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Re: AMPLE tracks...

Post by Commie_User »

Incidentally, I've rediscovered the joys of Beebery myself now I've bought and downloaded a PC-based BBC BASIC interpreter, with inbuilt compiler.

..Yes, I did just say that! You construct your glossy (albeit outdated-looking) BBC program, in all its easy-to-write A/V funkiness, hit the button and get a small executable to run independently! (And I've just discovered the chap's also added a BBC-PC data transfer section too! Fabulous!)

And when I checked out Ebay for the manual (which I've just this moment won) and two other programming books I'm after, I found that actual Beeb owners can buy the same kind of USB/Flash/serial equipment we Commies can have. I must say that I almost bought a stack of stuff.

I used to program the BBC mode-compatible RM Nimbus PCs at school (remember those?) and enjoyed the minor mischief as I got all the computers in one room singing, etc. And I remember one wet breaktime when me and a few of the lads had fun playing a rudimentary slalom game. Ah, I love that stuff.

For those interested, the proggie is here: . The usual BASIC I use to make DOS programs is QBASIC 4.5 and I know it will still be handy in the future. (See my Symphettes topic for an example)

Does anyone know of a compiler for Commodore 64 BASIC programs? That would be so neat.


PS - I usually do copy my text to a clipboard before submitting but I often forget.
Last edited by Commie_User on 12/09/2009 - 19:24, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: AMPLE tracks...

Post by Commie_User »

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Re: AMPLE tracks...

Post by Commie_User »

Lovely stuff:

I found these simple, yet very effective, random music generators whilst looking for programs to run on the interpretor/compiler. They utilise the wavetable in your soundcard and could come in very handy for recording.

It seems to try with a MIDI output too, though my USB MIDI lead plugged into the Amiga only manages the first chord.

And as the guy helpfully provides the readymade executables on his site, all you need do is click and run.
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Re: AMPLE tracks...

Post by SFan00 »

Commie_User wrote:Incidentally, I've rediscovered the joys of Beebery myself now I've bought and downloaded a PC-based BBC BASIC interpreter, with inbuilt compiler.

..Yes, I did just say that! You construct your glossy (albeit outdated-looking) BBC program, in all its easy-to-write A/V funkiness, hit the button and get a small executable to run independently! (And I've just discovered the chap's also added a BBC-PC data transfer section too! Fabulous!)
BTW If you know what you are doing, you can link BBC BASIC For Windows into SYS calls
(different from C64 ones Ed.) to do 'proper' MIDI stuf..
There's no AMPLE for Windows yet, but I am hearing encouraging noises about various Windows hosted FORTH systems...
For those interested, the proggie is here: . The usual BASIC I use to make DOS programs is QBASIC 4.5 and I know it will still be handy in the future. (See my Symphettes topic for an example)
The official site for BB4W is
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Re: AMPLE tracks...

Post by Commie_User »

I'm going to pick up a few lessons on the interpreter, particularly as example programs I've seen online can handle top-quality photo rendering, MIDI playing and interaction with PC socketry for example. But all I'd want it for would be to write silly little joke games and the like, many of which on my page: ... Parade.htm (though I warn you, they're no EA smash hits).

I've remembered that just 2 or 3 months back I gave away a whole binder full of Acorn User magazines, full of handy programs, particularly music. I only got it for about a Pound second-hand, and to look on Ebay each issue is at least two.... I'm kicking myself.

Still, the users' guide, a BBC Micro music book and other listings free online should help keep me going on the road to making more odds and ends. And I've already dredged what little knowledge remains in my mind to make two simple little tunettes to warm me up:

20 FOR T = 1 TO 15
60 SOUND 1,-15,A,10
70 SOUND 2,-10,A-1, 10
80 SOUND 3,-5, A+1, 10
110 NEXT T
120 WAIT 600 : RUN
140 DATA 100,100,105,105,100
150 DATA 110, 115,110,105, 90
160 DATA 120, 130, 105, 100, 90

20 FOR T = 1 TO 25
60 SOUND 1,-15,A,10
70 SOUND 2,-10,A-1, 10
80 SOUND 3,-5, A+1, 10
100 IF T=15 THEN WAIT 400
110 NEXT T
120 WAIT 600 : RUN
140 DATA 30,20,100,105,30
150 DATA 20, 100,110,50, 40
160 DATA 150, 20, 185, 10, 40
170 DATA 150,160,155,150,90
180 DATA 90, 90, 90, 90,90

Well, I like 'em anyway. (Cut-n-paste them into an emulator or the interpreter demo.)

10 FOR N=0 TO 120 : SOUND 1,-15,N,1
30 FOR N=0 TO 120 : SOUND 1,-15,20-N,1

(That's an amended sound effects listing from an old Usborne book I used to kickstart my memory. Nice, eh?)

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