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Re: Introduce yourself here!

Post by Quasar »

Hi there, im Quasar. Ive been floating around the Amiga Remix site since 2005 and been taking in all the wonderful remixes that have been coming out. Its been a long time coming but I thought id sign up here & introduce myself
Ive owned an Amiga since I was 10 and started writing music on it when I was 14 using Octamed 4, and carried on using it for my music until I was 23 when I switched over to a PC. With my Amiga I always combined the Amigas own sampling and sound capabilities along with some outboard MIDI gear to write my tunes.
Now I am 34 and just last year I decided to dust of my Amiga and record all the music I wrote on it onto hard disc so I have proper audio copies of all my old tracks.

Heres a sample of some of my Amiga work to share with you all ... Zk5xnSzv9Q
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Re: Introduce yourself here!

Post by Dumper »

Welcome Quasar, nice tune you made there.
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Re: Introduce yourself here!

Post by Grospixels »

A fex days ago I opened a new topic in the releases section to introduces myself, and it seems I made it the wrong way. Sorry.

So :

I'm french and my first name is Laurent, gamer and guitarist since the eighties. I'm a co-founder of the Grospixels project, wich is both a retro-gaming website (founded some 15 years ago) and a video game cover team. I wouldn't call it a "band" since we never play live or even rehearse together, it's just some guys doing home studio.

The other day, I submitted a Wizball cover to RKO. Being accepted was a nice reward in itself, but the song also received some kind comments and I'd like to thank the guys who posted them. Being encouraged and seeing people reacting to what you do is such a rare thing on the web these days, so that's great. I really appreciate that.

We've started recording video game covers around 2003, not being aware that there was a scene, or a community, for such things. We've done more than 100 songs, generally focusing on electric guitar, and our production methods have come a long way. In the past years, we had some inactive periods, without any new remix for months, but recently we've seriously returned to business, with 8 news songs done in the last two months. I've recorded them entirely by myself, because the other guys are too busy for now, and my goal is to do 6 or 7 more before summer. Generally, I choose the tunes according to my personal best memories, wich led me to cover some obscure games like Gemini Wing, Knight Tyme or Young Merlin. Some of them are C64 classics, but it's an indirect consequence, because I was a... MSX owner (sorry :oops: ).

If you want to check it out, here's the link to the Youtube channel :

I've got other links, but I don't want to flood my first post with advertisement. I'd be glad to give any other information and talk about anything, and I'll try to comment other remixes.
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Re: Introduce yourself here!

Post by M3wP »


I've put in another post already but I thought I might as well add to this thread since its stickied and I didn't see it before.

My name is Daniel, I'm 40. My current "handle" is M3w_P (or mewpokemon) - its a long story. I'm a software engineer from Australia.

I got my first C64 at 11/12 and adored it, especially the music. I mostly had games just to listen to the tracks. I still love the SID today. I must confess that even though I mostly had old 6581s, I do actually prefer the 8580 because it has a "cleaner sound". I just find the 6581 a little muddy. Still incredible, though. Especially if you think about how today the Roland GAIA (a new SH series synth) is still only 3 oscillators with better filters but you can still hook up the SID to a new external filter matrix and do similar things. Way before its time. I even found the Amiga boring because the sound just wasn't as good/interesting, despite being in stereo with "huge" RAM for samples.

I've only recently (in the last couple of years) started working on music in my spare time with my Roland SRX class sound module, the SonicCell. Of course, the very first thing I did was get Delta playing on it. I've been working on tunes now and then but I'm really starting to get a bit of a break through with it.

Anyway, that's enough from me!

See yas!

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Re: Introduce yourself here!

Post by SinfourMusic »

Hello there!

About time i registered on this fantastic forum. I've been downloading remixes for quite some time already (2002 or so).

well, my name is Trond, 34 years old and live in Norway. I've been listening to SID music from the Commodore 64 since I was 5-6 years old. I still have my old Commodore 64, and 7 more just in case one breaks down, haha (it never does!).
I started producing trance music and back in 1997 using trackers only, but bought FruityLoops (now FL Studio) in 2003, and have used it ever since. I produced mainly progressive trance, techno and breaks, but have recently started producing chiptunes. I'm very fed up with the scene cause of all the "EDM" stuff going on, and the real dj talents and producers need to step aside for the EDM youngster train. Some say hurray, but I don't. That we can discuss later :)

My setup
FL Studio (Sequenzer)
Quadrasid (vst)
Chiptunes (vst)
Sylenth (vst)
Nexus (Vst)
East West Hollywood Strings Diamond, Symphonic Choirs, Pianos, Symphinic Orchestra, Ministry of Rock, Stormdrums 2 and Goliath (ROM/vst)
++ many more

2 x KRK Rokit 6
1 x Sennheiser 380 Pro headphones
1 x M-Audio Keystation 88
1 x PC with i7 -3770K @ 3.50gHz, 64 bit and 16GB ram.
1 x M-Audio FireWire 1814 Soundcard

music can be heard here and

Beside making music I own a "Game Musem" ( with some friends, where we have our museum (based in Sandefjord city) and arrange retrogame-conventions in big halls (a video from a vistor here )
Thats also the reason why I have 7 pcs Commodore 64 :)

Well, enough shameless promotion from me.


//Trond E aka Sinfour
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Re: Introduce yourself here!

Post by Chris Abbott »

That's OK :) Welcome!
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Re: Introduce yourself here!

Post by Edward »

I'm Edward, been hanging around SlayRadio since... 2008, I believe. I've been brought up by the Spectrum and Atari Line more than the C64 Line. My first computer I touched was some kind of grey box that had a screen with green text and a built in keyboard. Something like one of those old terminals. Then I was introduced to the ZX Sinclair 128k with dual 3½" floppy station, and a 48k LoProfile with a (what seemed to be) homemade tape recorder. Then came the Atari ST, Atari Falcon, a CS1x synth, and the PC stuff (mostly laptops). I've played Nintendo and Sega stuff at friends' places, but never actually owned a console myself.

How, how did I get into this C64 stuff? Well, with the Atari came some Collection CDs that featured a few SID tunes and players. I started looking around the internet for trackers that could open these SID files. I ended up on some forum that talked about the SID2MIDI software, but the main download link was dead. I clicked on another link in someone's signature which brought me to SlayRadio. Saw a download link, but nothing about SID2MIDI, but did see something interesting called "Mastering Swedish". Listened to the Lessons and LMAO'd. Found out Boz was doing live shows and heard something about a Gathering... Yeah, probably too far off for me to... Hisingen? Gothenburg?! My home town!

And I've been hooked to SlayRadio since, and only now decided to register myself to this forum. Why have I waited? I guess I never really thought about it because IRC has been more... Instant? I don't know. Anyways, here I am!

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Re: Introduce yourself here!

Post by Chris Abbott »

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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Re: Introduce yourself here!

Post by Vosla »

All is lost.
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Re: Introduce yourself here!

Post by ultrasteve »

Hi all!

Just found the forum - been into C64 music for over 30 years! I used to mess about with ProTracker on the Amiga recreating my favourite SID tracks, but that's a long time ago - I keep meaning to try and find the time to do some more, but on my Mac this time!
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Re: Introduce yourself here!

Post by Trance4Mason »

ultrasteve wrote:Hi all!

Just found the forum - been into C64 music for over 30 years! I used to mess about with ProTracker on the Amiga recreating my favourite SID tracks, but that's a long time ago - I keep meaning to try and find the time to do some more, but on my Mac this time!
Hey Steve,

Well done on finding the forum :wink: ProTracker was also my first love, before I got a PC and blew my mind with FastTracker (I can have how many channels?! :o )

Don't I know you from somewhere?!

Maybe something to do with that Last Ninja soundtrack, metal/cover remake project thingy? Hope it's going well...
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Re: Introduce yourself here!

Post by LMan »

Welcome, new friends!
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Re: Introduce yourself here!

Post by Atomsk »

Evenin' all,

Dan here, long time 64/128 user, spent many days of my youth clicking away in s.e.u.c.k building all manner of titles.
Been trying to find a c64 out here in Japan but finding it more or less impossible!

Got all nostalgic for c64 music after reading through an old copy of commodore format and spotting my brothers entries in the frame busters section :P
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Re: Introduce yourself here!

Post by tomsk »

Welcome along - interesting choice of name BTW ;)
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Re: Introduce yourself here!

Post by C64GLeN »

tomsk wrote:Welcome along - interesting choice of name BTW ;)
This was my thought too! :)

Welcome atomsk
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