C64Audio.com is changing...

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C64Audio.com is changing...

Post by Chris Abbott »

Guys, it's come to the time when C64Audio.com/High Technology Publishing isn't viable any more as-is. I haven't got the time or the energy to do stuff with it, and it's costing me quite a lot of money to continue to run it. It's been "old comfy sofa" to the scene for a while now. Facebook/Social Media generates no interest

At the moment it looks like I'll be partnering with "Sound of Games" to sub-licence the publishing rights and C64Audio CD remix albums, so there will still be a place to clear publishing rights, and Sound Of Games themselves seem to have some nice plans. Of course, that might come to nothing, but it seems promising.

Most of the 2000 CDs in my loft (seriously!) are going as a donation to Chris WIlkins' Retro Revival to give away at events. If anyone reading this wants to complete their collection for the price of the postage, PM me.

I had some big plans for releasing stems from the remix library, and that (and more) might still happen with Sound of Games, though it seems very difficult in today's world to even get someone to listen or care. I can see why... there's so much more media now than there ever was. I might end up doing a meandering farewell podcast: I've got quite a lot of interesting stuff from the archives that it would be nice to put in. I may try and strong-arm Kenz into teaming up one last time to do this mega-podcast! (he doesn't know yet!!!)

Not putting this on Facebook or anything, since I'm not the "flouncey-out" type :) I'll still be commenting and keeping an eye on cool retro stuff. It just seems like (podcast notwithstanding), it's time to hand over the business reins to people who are more organised, motivated and enthusiastic than me. I need to re-focus on my day job, too!

Cheers, guys
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Re: C64Audio.com is changing...

Post by Jan Lund Thomsen »

On behalf of the many of us "old-timers" who probably never would have met and become close friends more or less directly because of your efforts, this makes me sad. That being said, it also makes me happy to see people move on for what makes life for them the better. Even if it makes the rest of us sad.

There's a good chance that had C64Audio not been around back in the day, C64 remixing of today would be nothing more than a half-dead subboard on OCR. And how fun would that have been?

In conclusion: THANK YOU for everything you've done for the world of SID and remix appreciation. Including being the Yin to first Linus 'Triad MP3z" Valleij and then my Yang[*].

[*] Or is the other way around? I can never remember.
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Re: C64Audio.com is changing...

Post by Commie_User »

Though a Commie fan myself, this is something I've been completely unaware of. I know there's been a recent chiptune/remix scene but as I only got online in my own home at the Millennium, I had no idea to know any of this mammoth back history in detail.

Surely the scene's too big to actually die? Maybe have a kip but not go away entirely?
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Re: C64Audio.com is changing...

Post by Chris Abbott »

@Jan - thanks Jan: it was the people who made it worthwhile. Without BIT Live it would have been a much poorer experience. I'm impressed by your staying power... one bad thing about the Internet: history is very difficult to preserve intact.

@Commie - the scene has been atrophying for a while. People will still do remixes, of course, but the key people who made a "scene" work (which mostly involved really meeting) are getting older, tireder or (in some cases) are no longer with us, and the audience has been buried under a deluge of free music. The retro scene generally seems strong still (though all these books are a reminder that it's time for history), so it will always be a niche within a niche. I'm passing the flame to "Sound of Games". You never know, they might have the energy to fan the flames into a proper fire.

I think the best thing for C64Audio.com to become is to become a historical monument to the remixing scene that can survive indefinitely and not have to rely on platforms like Facebook or Soundcloud. It would be a shame to lose the history aspect, especially since there's nowhere really covering it (Remix64's interviews and articles are the nearest, as well as RKO's reviews). It's all a bit time-consuming for a site only of interest to history buffs though! Maybe a good old-fashioned FTP site would work better :)
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Re: C64Audio.com is changing...

Post by AndyUK »

Well Chris, all i can say really is .. Good luck buddy.! You still going to hang out here?

As Jan said, I wonder how many people remixing these tunes now were pushed to try by that original BIT CD? I mean back then most people used soundblasters and hearing Wizball, Delta, and Rambo in, at that time, synth quality audio pushed the right buttons. For that we DO have a lot to be thankful for. Of course each BIT CD pushed the envelope a little more, arrangements that showed us how good these tiny Sids could be.. So yes, he's right, I really don't think I'd have Fruity on my desktop or remixes on here without you showing us what could be done, failing that the desire to actually try.. Of course there are other people here and other sites, but Chris, that damn CD looked awesome and that made it special and worthwhile.

Thankyou pal!!
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Re: C64Audio.com is changing...

Post by LMan »

Everything what Kwed said.

Yes Chris, we all owe you hugely. There would be absolutely no Remix64 without C64Audio either.
The BITLives are among my fondest memories of the past decade, meeting all of you guys and all.

Of course since "our" niche is limited to the commodore computers, it's only logical that there is no new blood to reinforce our ranks.
I hope you still stick around mate! If you need any support in restructuring the website I'll offer whatever assistance I can give.
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Re: C64Audio.com is changing...

Post by Chris Abbott »

Thanks Andy, Markus!

Oh yes, I'll still be coming around here as normal. You don't desert your friends :) I haven't lost interest in C64 music or its people, just in the whole admin and selling thing.
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Re: C64Audio.com is changing...

Post by Makke »

Well said Jan.

Times and life changes. Focus is shifted elsewhere. Other interests take over. I've been out of the scene for a few years now. Work and family life does not leave me time and energy to participate in the way I used to, and that has left me unmotivated and frustrated the few times I've tried to start something up again.

The scene did however define much of my 20's, through the work and devotion of many, but Chris, you were always the stand out guy. The one who made the big things happen. And really, big things, events are required to pull a scene together, and make it more than a bunch of people with a common interest. Thanks to your hard work, I've met people I'd never have met otherwise. Made friends I'd never have made. Experienced things I would never otherwise had the chance to experience. And I hope I in some way, through my contributions, helped make your stress, financial losses, lack of sleep, and time away from family worth it. They were truly great times, and they allowed for me to shine in so many ways! To help me realise I was actually good at something.

Thank you, Chris.
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Re: C64Audio.com is changing...

Post by Chris Abbott »

Makke wrote:Well said Jan.

Times and life changes. Focus is shifted elsewhere. Other interests take over. I've been out of the scene for a few years now. Work and family life does not leave me time and energy to participate in the way I used to, and that has left me unmotivated and frustrated the few times I've tried to start something up again.

The scene did however define much of my 20's, through the work and devotion of many, but Chris, you were always the stand out guy. The one who made the big things happen. And really, big things, events are required to pull a scene together, and make it more than a bunch of people with a common interest. Thanks to your hard work, I've met people I'd never have met otherwise. Made friends I'd never have made. Experienced things I would never otherwise had the chance to experience. And I hope I in some way, through my contributions, helped make your stress, financial losses, lack of sleep, and time away from family worth it. They were truly great times, and they allowed for me to shine in so many ways! To help me realise I was actually good at something.

Thank you, Chris.
I still treasure your album, your performance with Larsec @ BIT Live, and all the great little bits you contributed to everyone else's work: and it was great hanging out with you (the rehearsals for BIT Live 2004 in particular were a blast!). You were... to quote the ninth Doctor... FANTASTIC!

I'm also thrilled to see LMan making such a big noise in the art world, and I'm keeping on eye on other C64 alumni via Facebook...
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Re: C64Audio.com is changing...

Post by Dumper »

Thanks for hosting the site all these years Chris. The BIT CD's are where I got my first taste of remixes which was a wonderful experience after not knowing such an interest was out there.
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Re: C64Audio.com is changing...

Post by Dr.Future »

Chris, thank you for the music!
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Re: C64Audio.com is changing...

Post by Vosla »

Thanks, Chris.
C64audio.com was an anchor.
I hope the cooperation will go well.

Yes, time keeps detoriating people and things alike.
Sometimes, it's just a soft fading. Sometimes, it's changing in horrible ways.
All is lost.
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Re: C64Audio.com is changing...

Post by Jan Lund Thomsen »

Chris Abbott wrote:I think the best thing for C64Audio.com to become is to become a historical monument to the remixing scene that can survive indefinitely and not have to rely on platforms like Facebook or Soundcloud. It would be a shame to lose the history aspect, especially since there's nowhere really covering it (Remix64's interviews and articles are the nearest, as well as RKO's reviews). It's all a bit time-consuming for a site only of interest to history buffs though! Maybe a good old-fashioned FTP site would work better :)
Great idea, Squire. Talk to either the scene.org people or (perhaps even better) Jason Scott over at archive.org. That man loves preserving bits and bytes for future generations.
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Re: C64Audio.com is changing...

Post by Analog-X64 »

I normally dont have difficulty replying to a thread on these forums, I wasn't sure how to even start, I agree with everything that has been said so far.

It seems we all have a common fondness for BIT, which is how I originally came across C64Audio.com and eventually this wonderful place.

Positive change is good and is needed to get out of a rut or recharge the batteries.

Thanks for all that you've done for the scene and just so you know, you cant ever really leave.

You can only "Stay for a while......staaaaaaaaaaayyy Forever" :cheers:
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Re: C64Audio.com is changing...

Post by C64GLeN »

I can honestly say discovering C64Audio.com changed by life. It was then I found out there was still people who hadn't given up their love for Commodore 64 and open a gateway to other websites, radio stations, retro events, etc, etc.

So for me this is very sad, but understandable. Family (and the means to feed them through a day job) comes first for all of us.

Chris, I do hope you do a podcast and pop your head up every now and then. It was really great finally meeting you last year. I'm so glad I finally got to an event.

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