daXX no longer featured on AmigaRemix?

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daXX no longer featured on AmigaRemix?

Post by Aknotronic »


Was browsing the AmigaRemix music library when I noticed that daXX's tunes are no longer to be found :shock: . Do anyone know what happend?

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Re: daXX no longer featured on AmigaRemix?

Post by Chris Abbott »

He left RKO and AR, and requested his files be removed. He's available for PM on this very board if you want more info.


Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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Re: daXX no longer featured on AmigaRemix?

Post by Aknotronic »

Sad to hear. Thanks for the info.
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Re: daXX no longer featured on AmigaRemix?

Post by Aknotronic »

Not so sad anymore after reading his last post. What a way to alienate a whole fanbase. Thank god there is a bunch of great Remixers out there who wants to share their productions and wants them listened to by as many people as possible, without any other payment than the comments and ratings they receive from the listeners. Life goes on, old legends die, and new ones rises in their place. Keep the Remixes coming people! :rock: :sly: :w00t: :dancing:
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Re: daXX no longer featured on AmigaRemix?

Post by daXX »

Wondering where that "fanbase" was, to give me backing, when so called "Amigans" spotted my name in public. :?:
without any other payment than the comments
Yeah, aslong as you get music for free it's always great and you can be a fan. :confusion:
What a wonderful and witty statement. :!:
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Re: daXX no longer featured on AmigaRemix?

Post by Aknotronic »

I am sorry if you had some bad experience with fans, but that’s a part of being a legend. I don’t think anyone at this site expects people to throw money at them. You did make some extremely nice productions and shared them with the Amiga community and I am great full for that. I’t just saddens me to see you leave. I don’t know the full story, you might be leaving for really good or personal reason which you cannot share, but from your previous post it seamed that you left because you didn’t get payed.

Most big artists out there have found the solution to earning money in these “modern” times. This is primarily done by building up a huge fanbase, and sharing your productions freely are a big part of that, being it through Soundcloud, YouTube, AmigaRemix or other distribution services, how else do you get your name out there? When people are hooked and recognize you, they will look you up, find out when your next album will be out, buy it or stream it on the many streaming platforms that are out there (like Spotify, apple music and so on). For example look at the Producer “Astrix”. One of, if not the leading producer of Psy-Trance. He shares his stuff freely almost daily. Yes, I am a fan and I support him by listening to his tracks on streaming services, buy merchandize and attend concerts when he’s in the country and that’s how he makes a living. I know that there are other ways, but it is really hard nowadays.

Anyway, I do wish you luck in your future endeavors, and hopefully you will come back to AmigaRemix sometime in the future and share your sweet productions again.

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Re: daXX no longer featured on AmigaRemix?

Post by daXX »

Aknotronic, you missunderstood something.
It's not about to get money for my remixes.
But when others make money with MY remixes, then i should get it and not them, or ?

But OK, for a very last time i will explain why i deleted all...!

Some people have trampled on my wishes. (Very easy wishes. Don't make money with MY music!)
If I said please do not make any sales with my music, or do not monetize them, they put the advertisement offline for a while and a few weeks later the advertisement was back online. WTF? THIS is something annoys and is fraud in my eyes.

It was my only way to delete all my music everywhere because THOSE people forced me to do that with their devious actions.
No download = No way to use it in higher quality anymore.

And then, after i deleted all and also canceled stuff with some planed kickstarters, people call me mercenary or published storys on kickstarters with half the truth. Great! Wow. I gave the remixes for almost 15 years for free. Too bad that this will be forgotten so quickly. :(

But no worries. You can listen the remixes and lot of more very soon on MY channel and only on my channel. ;)
But there will just no button anymore with "Download".

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Re: daXX no longer featured on AmigaRemix?

Post by baerchendeluxe »

Hi Daxx
will there be a way to buy your Remixes?
Wird es eine Möglichkeit geben, Deine Remixes dort zu kaufen?

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Re: daXX no longer featured on AmigaRemix?

Post by Methanoid »

signed up just for this post, was actually trying to find out what the story/crack was with daxx and his work after 1 of my pc hd's died and i lost a load of tunes and vids, thought he'd died or something and took his stuff to the grave, after reading this tho, well yeah its a shame we cant get his tunes anymore unless we already have them backed up but from what daxx has mentioned, if others are earning off his work and he isnt happy with that (who would be?) then its fair game tbh... unfortunate but fair.

I would still like/liked to have seen something on kickstarter with the same ideas as Matt Gray and his very successful reformation projects, happily shell out funds if thats the only way to get anything further, tho even with that if ppl still try to earn off his future work as well, it doesnt really cure anything.

btw (if your still reading here daxx) is it ok for ppl to stream your tunes on twitch provided theres no monetary stuff involved, ive usually got some amiga/c64 tunes in my playlists including yours, when im gaming online shooting things in the face, i dont twitch "for real" tho, just casual stuff..

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Re: daXX no longer featured on AmigaRemix?

Post by daXX »

dear bummer,

if you just use the music like a radio show or as background music for live streams, it's completely ok for me.
Also Slay-Radio, SceneSat and maybe other scene radios will play my Remixes. No Problem with it.

What i never understood is, why people need to upload a track thousands time on those "Retro Channels" when i have uploaded them here or on my youtube channel. Sure thing: Only to generate Follower and potential people to watch their monetizings. I think, when someone wants to upload my remix anywhere, he needs to ask me first. I am also against all those millions of videos with official music on youtube. Youtube should BAN them all or pay for it with high punishments. Just my 2 cent.

Dear Thorsten,

I'm not sure if or how i continue. First i will bring up all my remixes online again with a new quality mixing/master (more dynamic not too much brickwalled / loudnesswar). That will need a bit time. If I think more deeply about i have also around 100 unfinished Remixes. It would be a pity to delete them.

And maybe the site owners here will think about their side policy. Deactivate Download and Deactivate Vote would be a great first start!
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Re: daXX no longer featured on AmigaRemix?

Post by Methanoid »

oh new remixes, off hand do you recall what they mostly consist of? game remixes or demo ones? i like all the game mixes we get a lot but have to admit the higher quality demo remixes are an uncommon thing for me to find but very welcome when they show up.
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Re: daXX no longer featured on AmigaRemix?

Post by LMan »

Well the very purpose of remix.kwed.org is to be a download platform where hobbyist remixers can publish their stuff, and remix64.com accompanies the site as a feedback forum. So disabling downloads would kind of defeat the purpose.

However once you have set up your new distribution channel, you can post a news or free ad on the remix64 main news channel. You could also register an account again and put a link to your stuff on it.
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Re: daXX no longer featured on AmigaRemix?

Post by Retrodanny »

Hi daXX

Saddens me to hear your bad experience of others taking advantage of your superb work.
I just can't help to ask though... did you make any newer game remixes than the latest I have heard of Turrican Desert Rocks, I think it was uploaded around 2016 October.
I am eager to know how many I have missed out :sadnod:

If you can´t answer then I´ll happily wait for your new channel.
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Re: daXX no longer featured on AmigaRemix?

Post by daXX »

You can check my channel for the new mixes and music. But i can not say when i update with more. Very busy with other things atm.


There are already a few new remixes and older remixes in a complete new mixing.

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Re: daXX no longer featured on AmigaRemix?

Post by daXX »

Ohhh. I have fully "ignored" (not on purpose) Lman's post here.
Sorry that i answer that late to it but i think i have to add this comment.
So disabling downloads would kind of defeat the purpose.
Ohhh! OK. So you should hurry and open downloads here aswell. Or is this the special-friend offer you do here? ;)

Just to link 2 of hundreds of remixes without a download button!

Sry but thats why I feel deprived of my possibilities.
I decide if there's a download or not, not you. :)

LMan you really should think about that block download button. It's not the biggest work behind that option.
People can still listen to it with your player on the site. Download just gives the possibility for those '>smart<' guys, who produce youtube videos with monetizing etc. But if you think your site or kwed or amigaremix should be 100% public domain, then i think you should delete those Album stuff here just to be fair to others.

Ps: And yeah... I know you can also download, without a download-button.
But if I have no download given (demonstrably) i can better proof on youtube. So I can prove that he has worried about the material. :)

Merry Christmas all together.
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