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Reviews order

Posted: 18/02/2003 - 15:32
by CraigG
Just a minor point: would it not be more relevant to reorder the reviews, so the most recent is at the top of the page, rather than the oldest? That means people get to read the most up-to-date thoughts immediately rather than having to scroll to get them.

Posted: 18/02/2003 - 23:54
by Michael
I've noticed one or two reviewers use the reviewing system as some sort of discussion board :rolleyes: and refer to what is written in previous reviews by other reviewers. Kind of nonsense in reviews which should be independent of eachother.

Posted: 19/02/2003 - 6:07
by LMan
Just a minor point: would it not be more relevant to reorder the reviews, so the most recent is at the top of the page, rather than the oldest?
Well, I thought "First come, first served", but I dunno. What do you others think? Last first or First first :) ?

Posted: 19/02/2003 - 8:52
by ifadeo
leave it, as it is... :P

cheers 2Klang

Posted: 19/02/2003 - 10:47
by CraigG
LMan / Remix64 wrote:Well, I thought "First come, first served", but I dunno. What do you others think? Last first or First first :) ?
Fair enough, I guess, but this could lead to two things: people rushing to get the first review in, as they know it will always be top, and subsequent reviewers not bothering to add comments, because their words will end up being buried under loads of others.

I guess both systems have their problems though--Lemon64 always has idiots adding comments, as the last one is shown, and it too has the 'discussion board' problem. Maybe there's a need for some review guidelines or something? I know I'm not interested in reading "hey, that last reviewer was an idiot--this remix actually rocks/sucks"...

Edit: it would also be nice if people put their comments through a spelchuker [sic] prior to posting... (I guess that's the sub-editor in me coming out!)

Posted: 19/02/2003 - 18:38
by LMan
Funny, the first thing I did this morning when I read this thread was adding guidelines to the review box :)

I see your point. Perhaps I should randomise the display order every time the page is loaded.

Posted: 19/02/2003 - 19:29
by Vosla said 'guidelines' ? good idea!

my 2-cents :
say 'censorship' if someone talks complete bullsh*t like 'yu muthafukka, z!z l33t tune r0ckz/sukkaz!' (just for one-time-joiners-and posters, that is the generic pesty i-net-kiddie), we don't need such crap in here. i never stumbled over such comments but it may happen.

This doesn't count on regulars of the board who *should* know better. let their words speak up against'em. edit it, if somebody insults someone personally and add a note it was edited and why.

i think this was quite obvious and thought of before... (just a short core dump of my delirious mind)

Posted: 19/02/2003 - 21:39
by ifadeo
Vosla said 'guidelines' ? good idea!

my 2-cents :
This doesn't count on regulars of the board who *should* know better. let their words speak up against'em. edit it, if somebody insults someone personally and add a note it was edited and why...

good idea, be fair... and show respect :wink:

cheers 2Klang

Posted: 20/02/2003 - 9:25
by LMan
I like the sound of that :)

Posted: 20/02/2003 - 11:09
by CraigG
LMan / Remix64 wrote:Funny, the first thing I did this morning when I read this thread was adding guidelines to the review box :)
I'm actually very impressed with the succinct nature of the review guidelines. Everything I would have suggested is there in four short bullet-points. I particularly like:

"A review ought to be more than "Well done!" or "This is no good." The review should contain your reasons for thinking so"

Even now there are too many one-liners, or one-paragraphers [sic]. While each review doesn't need to be an opus, it's good to have a little insight into the reviewers thoughts and ideas regarding the piece, rather than whether they just like it or not.
I see your point. Perhaps I should randomise the display order every time the page is loaded.
In some ways I like the random idea, but it does then stop people from reading the reviews in order, and thus finding the latest comments about a piece (like one does with a forum). One thing that springs to mind is this: perhaps there could be a single random review from the list, which is then followed by the entire list. Maybe there could also at some point be a way of rethreading it, so if, like me, you'd like to see most recent first, as it seems more relevant, you could do that (a la eBay).

Posted: 20/02/2003 - 21:40
by Michael

Posted: 20/02/2003 - 23:40
by Vosla
....hmm, they are pretty old tunes... i guess those lala-reviews are pretty old, too ? (and added to the new review system?)

though i think some of them hit the spot with sparse words...
and if lala's reviews are that old, than it was the time where reviews were rare gems? (fill me in, if i got that wrong, lman! ) :wink:

Posted: 21/02/2003 - 6:18
by tas
I think michael has a good point. some of these just don't make sense, and one or two refer to other reviews.

The ones that do make sense are well pointless!

Posted: 21/02/2003 - 7:21
by LMan
and if lala's reviews are that old, than it was the time where reviews were rare gems? (fill me in, if i got that wrong, lman! )
Aye, LaLa was (and is) the master reviewer of the c64rmx yahoogroup. He occasionally sent his batches of reviews to the mailing list. On my request, he kindly went through the trouble of recollecting all of his reviews and filled them into a table I could upload to the review database. That's the reason for the missing ratings, and for some out-of-context reviews.

I think if there are reviews to be deleted, it should be done by LaLa himself. I suggest sending him the list of URLs done by Michael, and kindly ask him to re-review or delete the entries.

- Markus

Posted: 21/02/2003 - 15:08
by Vosla
@neil & michael : i don't disagree with you in general.
@lman : well, that explains it.

...and speaking of short reviews and why i hesitate to write one :
1. i lack the musician skills to exactly pin problems of tunes down.
this disqualifies me from be taken serious enough if i want to point out my own opinion about a tune.
i don't need someone flaming me to realize that i am not the pope.
2. there are tunes that just trigger gut reactions i can't explain at first place.
3. i am almost unable to write negative reviews.
4. my positive reviews sound fishy.
5. i still got problems with english grammar and i can't translate my way of thinking properly.
6. does somebody still read this ? i am boring, too.