Rejected RKO songs visible on Remix64

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Rejected RKO songs visible on Remix64

Post by SoundHelix »


I have connected my Remix64 account to my RKO account. On RKO, one of my songs was published yesterday. Before it was published, I had uploaded a previous version of the song (which was not published yet), but then had uploaded the current version and have asked the RKO maintainer to only publish the second song, so he rejected the first and published the second. Still, in "Enter background info for your tunes" I can see the rejected song here in the list of my songs as well as the published song. I would have expected to only see the published song.

Is the rejected song really supposed to be visible here? I'm not sure if the rejected song is publicly visible anywhere, but at least I can see it.

Am I missing something?
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Re: Rejected RKO songs visible on Remix64

Post by LMan »


the point is: if your remix is rejected for quality or similar reasons, you have the chance to host the file yourself and provide it as alternative download source for your rejected remix; so it can participate at the Remix64 charts.
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