Sad news

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General Pain In The Forum's Ass
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Post by Vosla »

With my father in his mid-sixties I have to think from time to time about what will be if he is no more... judging from the bad mood that follows such thoughts (sending me brooding for hours, sometimes for days), it will be horrible.

I lost a couple of relatives and good friends to various events. Accidents, age, illness. It's like everytime a bit of myself died with them and every death left a dull feeling of emptiness / darkness; a life-draining, paralyzing experience - often followed by days of sickness (high fever, circulatory disturbances and such) and (as a bonus) gastric ulcers.

Well. And all I can do here is to lend you a hand in saying :
I might know how you are feeling and I feel really sorry for you because such wounds take a long time to heal and the scars will never vanish... mourn the dead and embrace your beloved. For your dad, for yourself.

Best wishes,

All is lost.
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Post by madfiddler »

58? That sucks. Stay cool dude!
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